Geotec - Needle Punched Polypropylene Geotextile 1000gsm

Public Channel / Data Sheets

Needle Punched Thermally Bonded Nonwoven
100 % Polypropylene Geotextile

GEOTEC 1000 GSM is a needle punched & Thermally Bonded nonwoven geotextile
composed of 100 % virgin Polypropylene staple fibres which are formed into a stable
network such that the fibers retain their relative position and will meet the following
Average Values when tested accordance with the standards listed below.

predicted to be durable for a minimum of 25 years in natural soil with 4 < pH < 9
and soil temperatures < 25° C
Maximum allowed time between installation and covering of Geotextile is 02 weeks.

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2. TDS - WP - WS1 - 000_01 / 21 1. The properties values listed above are effective from 06/2017 and are subjected to change without notice . 2. The values reported herein are, to best of our knowledge, accurate and reflect the average results obtained in our Laboratory . ROADS RAILWAYS FOUNDATON & RETAINING WALLS DRAINAGE EROSION CONTROL SYSTEMS RESERVOIRS & DAMS CANALS TUNNELS & UNDER GROUND STRUCTURES SOLID WASTE LIQUID WASTE NOTE: The information contained in this DATA SHEET, as well as our advice, both written as oral or provided through testing, are based on our experience, and they do not constitute any product guarantee for the installer, who must take them as simple orientations, provided strictly as information. W e recommend to study deeply all information provided before proceeding to the use or application of any of our products, and strongly advise to conduct tests “on - site” in order to determine their convenience for a specific project. Our recommendations do n ot exempt of the obligation that installers have to deeply know the right application method for these systems before they use them, as well as to conduct as many preliminary tests as possible if there are any doubts about the appropriate system to use. Th e application, use and processing of our products are beyond our control, and therefore under the exclusive responsibility of the installer. In consequence, the installer will be the only responsible of any damage or prejudice derived from the partial or t otal in - observation of our indications, and in general, of the inappropriate use or application of these materials. Saja a Industrial Area behind Sharjah Cement Factory, Sharjah U.A.E. Email: PO BOX: 65034 Tel: +971 6 5679000 Website: ROYAL WAY INDUSTRIES LLC Page 2

1. TDS - WP - WS1 - 000_01 / 21 GEOTEC 10 0 0 GSM is a needle punched & Thermally Bonded nonwoven geotextile composed of 100 % virgin Polypropylene staple fibres which are formed into a stable network such that the fibers retain their relative position and will meet the following Averag e Values when tested accordance with the standards listed below. GEOTEC 10 0 0 GSM inert to biological degradation and resists naturally encountered chemicals , alkalis, and acids. POLYMER DENSITY MELTING POINT CONSTRUCTION 100% Polypropylene 0.91 km/cm 3 160 - 171 °C Staple Fibers TEST METHOD VALUE TOLERANCE Mechanical properties Grab Strength - MD EN ISO 10319 75 .0 kN/m - 15% Grab Strength - CD 75 .0 kN/m - 15% Grab Elongation at break - MD 5 5 .0 % - 25% Grab Elongation at break - CD 5 5 .0 % - 25% CBR Puncture Resistance EN ISO 12236 15 . 0 0 kN - 15% Dynamic Cone Drop EN ISO 13433 0 .0 mm + 15% UV Resistance ASTM D 4355 70/500 % / hrs - 15% Hydraulic properties Permeability * EN ISO 11058 15 x 10 ̄³ m/s ± 30% Water Flow normal to the plane * 15 l/m².s ± 30% Characteristic Opening Size EN ISO 12956 45 μm ± 30% Physical properties Thickness* under 2 kPa EN ISO 9863 - 1 6 . 5 0 mm ± 20% Weight (*) EN ISO 9864 10 0 0 g/m² ± 10% * At the time of manufacturing. Handling, storage, and shipping may change these properties. Packaging Roll Dimensions (W) mtr 3.0 / 6.0 ± 0.8% Roll Dimensions (L) 50 ± 2.0% Square mtr Per Roll Square mtr 150 / 3 00 - Estimated Roll Weight Kg 150 / 30 0 - Estimated Roll Diameter cm 60 ± 10% Durability predicted to be durable for a minimum of 25 years in natural soil with 4 < pH < 9 and soil temperatures < 25° C Maximum allowed time between installation and covering of Geotextile is 02 weeks. The construction of the geotextile makes this product ideal for the following applications. GEOTEC 10 0 0 GSM Needle Punched Thermally Bonded Nonwoven 100 % Polypropylene Geotextile Page 1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION


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