Method And Scope PVC Membrane Sika

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1. MF Waterproofing Issued on: 05.04.09 By: H.Fikri / R.van Eck The technical data information including, but not l imited to, Sika’s recommendations for the applicati on and use of any Sika product, any written recommendation or any oth er information (the Information) is given in good f aith and is based on Sika’s current knowledge and experience of the r elevant product when properly stored, prepared, han dled and applied. In practice there are differences in mater ials and actual site conditions for each costumer. By providing the Information Sika does not give any warranty in resp ect for any Sika product and Sika has not entered i nto any legal relationship with any customer. All orders by custo mers are accepted subject to Sika’s current terms a nd conditions of sale and delivery. Customers using any Sika product must always refer to the most recent issue of the relevant Technical Data Sheet, copies of which will be suppl ied by Sika, on written request. Sika UAE LLC, P.O. Box 213233, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 439 8200 Fax: +971 4 439 3606 E-mai l: 1/5 Construction Method Statement for Application of Sikaplan ® WP1100-20HL Scope: Application of PVC Waterproofing Membrane to Basements

3. MF Waterproofing Issued on: 05.04.09 By: H.Fikri / R.van Eck Sika UAE L.L.C. P.O. Box 213233, Dubai, U.A.E. Phone: +971 4 4398200/ Fax: +971 4 4393606/ E-mail: 3/5 31-May-11 Construction Cut the PVC membrane to the length required allowing for a minimum 80mm membrane overlap. Unroll and position the PVC membrane allowing suffi cient membrane overlap at ends and edges for intersection to vertical wate rproofing. Depending on the location, weld the PVC membrane by at least 30-40mm onto the pile head waterbar leaving 10-15mm of the waterbar exposed from the top edge. Welding of any joints will be carried out by specia l Leister welding machines. Seam overlaps of PVC membranes should in all cases be of minimum 80mm. The width of the finished welded seam should be at least >30mm for the single seam. Prior to welding procedure, check to ensure the PVC membrane surfaces are dry, clean, free of dust, loose materials, oil and grease etc. Prior to any heat welding work, conduct a welding t est on a similar PVC membrane specimen. Inspect and test all PVC membrane joints for so undness. Waterbars (Horizontal Surfaces) Surface waterbars shall be Sika ® Waterbar AR-25 heat weldable plasticized PVC, compatible to PVC waterproofing membrane and p rofiled with ribs on one side. Shop drawings for the construction joint locations, positioning of the waterbars including compartmentalization waterbars shall be prepared by the Sika recommended specialist applicator and subm itted to the consultant for approval. Cross and T-junctions will be factory welded fo r assembly on site. Weld the Sika Waterbar AR-25 onto the PVC membrane along the line of construction joints and compartments. Injection flanges will be fixed one to each cor ner of the compartment. Geotextile (100g/sq.m) Following installation of the PVC waterproofing mem brane and waterbars, a geotextile membrane with a minimum unit weight of 1 00g/sq.m will be laid over the top as a protection layer. Waterbars must remain exposed. A 50 mm thick co ncrete protection screed must be cast over the top of the 100gr/sq.m geotext ile membrane. The maximum aggregate size of the concrete screed shoul d not exceed 10mm. 2.2.2 Raft/suspended slab vertical surfaces & wall construction joints Raft- Shoring wall interface / Vertical i nstallation Upon completion of the horizontal waterproofing , a 50x50mm sand-cement fillet will be provided at the horizontal-vertical interface on top of the screed.

2. MF Waterproofing Issued on: 05.04.09 By: H.Fikri / R.van Eck Sika UAE L.L.C. P.O. Box 213233, Dubai, U.A.E. Phone: +971 4 4398200/ Fax: +971 4 4393606/ E-mail: 2/5 31-May-11 Construction 1. Scope This Method Statement Outlines the procedures for t he application of PVC waterproofing membrane to the underside of the raft foundations, below ground structure, external walls and lift pits exte rnal walls. This method statement covers only the installation and details of the PVC waterproofing membrane. All PVC Membrane waterproofing works including pile head treatment, waterbar and Injection hosing system applications (see separ ate method statements). 2. Installation 2.1 Setting Out Upon the completion of excavation, pile head remova l and trimming of the existing ground levels to final formation levels, t he Engineer will approve the formation level before the 1 st layer of blinding & waterproofing takes place. Once the formation has been approved, a concrete bl inding mix will be poured. A 100mm setback shall be left from the pile face. Concrete will have a steel trowel finish and ed ges/corners shall be rounded to a minimum radius of 50mm. Any projections in the cementitious substrate w ill be removed by chiselling and grinding; nails and wires or loose stones shoul d be removed; all the services, holes, voids, etc. will be filled to the level of substrate surface. Any ponding water will be removed by means of w et/dry vacuum machines and air compressors. 2.2 Work Procedures 2.2.1 Raft/Suspended Slab Horizontal Surfaces Upon completion of the pile head waterproofing (ref er to separate method statement for the pile head) apply a 50mm wide mort ar fillet between the blinding layer and outer face of the waterbar. Geotextile (350g/sq.m) A cushion layer of geotextile membrane with a minim um unit weight of 350g/sq.m will be laid on top of the blinding concr ete which should be free from all projections and loose materials. The geotextile membrane should be loose laid and ov erlapped minimum 100mm. Sikaplan ® WP1100-20HL Once the geotextile membrane has been laid, check t he surface of the geotextile membrane for loose debris and sharp proj ections prior to installation of the Sikaplan ® WP1100-20HL PVC waterproofing membrane. Irregular shapes of basement slabs need considerati on before the membrane laying direction and sequence is commenced.

4. MF Waterproofing Issued on: 05.04.09 By: H.Fikri / R.van Eck Sika UAE L.L.C. P.O. Box 213233, Dubai, U.A.E. Phone: +971 4 4398200/ Fax: +971 4 4393606/ E-mail: 4/5 31-May-11 Construction A 350g/sq.m geotextile slip membrane will be laid l oose on the vertical surface supported from a higher level than the wall kicker by temporary fixing/nailing to the shoring / shotcrete. Sikaplan ® WP1100-20HL will then be placed over the geotextile slip membrane and hung from the shoring wall using tempo rary fixings. Ensure that the first line of temporary fixings is above the top level of the wall starter bars by minimum 500 mm. The vertical PVC membrane will then be welded to th e horizontal one. Sika ® Waterbar AR-25 will be provided along the wall kicker and also connected to the horizontal raft waterbar to form a closed loop. All waterbars should be thoroughly heat welded to the horizontal and vertical PVC membranes. Inspect all welds for continuation. No voids, pinholes etc will be allowed. Upon completion of the welding and testing of membr anes, a protection layer of geotextile membrane 350g/sq.m will be plac ed prior to rebar fixing. Once the concrete is cast, the temporary fixing on the shoring wall will be removed and the next sheet of PVC membrane will be welded so as to overlap the punctured membrane by at least 80 mm. The SikaFuko VT1 System will then be installed along the centre of the wal l kicker with the hoses extending to the inner face o f the wall shutter. In order to fix the PVC membrane on the vertical su rface of the structure, fixing discs (roundel) with spikes will be welded t o the vertical membrane at 2.00 m centres vertically and horizontally. The spi kes shall face inwards and be adequately secured to be cast into the concrete wall. Sika ® Waterbars and the SikaFuko VT1 System will be provided along all the construction joints throughout the height of walls that are below ground level. Terminations shall be at least 1.00 m above highest ground water level. Membrane termination The Sika PVC Waterproofing membrane should be termi nated minimum 1.00 m above maximum ground water level and minimum 0.15 m above ground level. 3. Welding methods Sikaplan waterproofing membranes can be welded usin g heat welding machines • Seam overlaps of membranes should in all cases be m inimum 80mm • The width of the finished welded seam should be at least > 30mm • Prior to welding procedure, membrane surfaces shoul d be dry, clean, free of dust, oil and grease etc. • Prior to any heat welding work conduct a welding te st with membrane specimen (mandatory in order to adjust welding temp erature and speed of the machine)

5. MF Waterproofing Issued on: 05.04.09 By: H.Fikri / R.van Eck Sika UAE L.L.C. P.O. Box 213233, Dubai, U.A.E. Phone: +971 4 4398200/ Fax: +971 4 4393606/ E-mail: 5/5 31-May-11 Construction Recommended machines and tools Heat welding • For continuous welding quality, it is recommended t o run welding equipment connected with its own circuit, or using its own generating set. • Welding machine operators should be trained and exp erienced in heat welding technology according to local regulations a nd to operate electrical devices in wet, or humid conditions • Automatic welding machine: 220V, hand held welding gun: 220V, resp. 110V according to regulations Manual welding • Hand held welding gun type Leister Triac S, or type Leister Triac PID, 220 V, resp. 110V (adjustable temperature) • Hot air nozzles 40mm and 20mm, or 30mm all purpose- nozzle • Hand held pressure (Silicone) roller with ball bear ing (available from Leister), width 20mm and 40mm • Reserve heating element Semi-automatic welding for horizontal and vertical area waterproofing • Hand held semi-automatic, self-propelled welding ma chine, type Leister Triac Drive, 220V, resp. 110V (adjustable temperatu re and speed) Automatic welding for horizontal and vertical area waterproofing • Automatic, self-propelled, type Leister Twinny S, o r Leister Twinny T (adjustable temperature speed and pressure), 220/3 80V Waterbars welding equipment • Electrical heating sword, or manual welding hot air gun (Leister). Hani Fikri Market Field Manager - Waterproofing – IMEA Rodney Van Eck Market Development and Technical Service s Manager


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