NEOSEAL FLEX CM210 Polymer Modified Cementitious Coating

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Two Component Flexible Acrylic Cementitious Waterproofing Coating

NEOSEAL FLEX CM210 is a two component polymer modified cementitious coating in pre-packaged form. It is designed to be easily mixed on site using a slow speed drill fitted with a mixing paddle and then applied to the substrate using either brush, trowel or spray. Roller application may also be used, however finishing the surface with a trowel is recommended for best results. NEOSEAL FLEX CM210 is available in grey and white, cures to form an elastomeric waterproof membrane.


- Withstands high positive and negative hydrostatic pressures
- Excellent crack accommodation before and after immersion
- Approved for use in contact with potable water
- Excellent bond to concrete and masonry
- Long working life
- Easy application by brush, trowel or spray
- Bonds to green or damp concrete


NEOSEAL FLEX CM210 provides a cementitious, elastomeric
waterproof coating with inherent crack-bridging ability.

Typical applications include:
- Potable water retaining structures.
- Swimming Pools.
- Potable water excluding structures.
- Internal basement waterproofing.
- Drainage culverts.
- Wet areas: Kitchens, bathrooms, shower rooms
- Foundations in contact with ground water under saline conditions


Apply with a short stiff bristle brush, roller or trowel once the 1st coat is applied to achieve the desired thickness. Apply the 2nd coat after the 1st coat is completely dried to achieve a minimum thickness of 1.8 – 2 mm. It can be spray applied as well following the surface preparation as illustrated above.

NEOSEAL FLEX CM210 is available in 23 Kg Kit (Part A & Part B).

2kg/m² / Coat 1mm Thickness.


NEOSEAL FLEX CM210 should always be stored in dry and covered areas.
The product should not be exposed to direct sunlight or be kept near any source of heat.
The product Shelf life is up to 12 months when stored as per the recommended storage conditions.

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2. TDS - WP - NF06 - 000_ 06 /2 1 2kg/m² / Coat 1mm Thickness Specification The waterproofing coating shall be NEOSEAL FLEX CM210, an elastomeric cementitious coating approved by WRAS Ltd. The cured coating, after immersion, shall be capable of withstanding cracked substrate cyclic movement from 0 - 300 - 0 microns at 15°C for 6,000 cycles without failure. It shall have the capability to resist a positive water pressure of 5 bar and a negative water pressure of 3 bar when tested to European standard CEN/TC 67 - 67072:2003 part A - 7. BS 6920: 2000 Effect on Wat er Quality. WRAS Ltd Approved DIN 1048: Water Penetration Test. Fire Tested to BS 476: 1987 Parts 6 and 7. Protective clothing such as gloves and goggles should be worn while applying NEOSEAL FLEX CM210 . In case the material splashes to the skin or eyes wash the same with fresh water immediately . In critical cases seek medical assistance. NEOSEAL FLEX CM210 should always be stored in dry and covered areas. The product should not be exposed to direct sunlight or be kept near any source of heat. The product Shelf life is up to 12 months when stored as per the recommended storage conditions. PROPERTIES TYPICAL VALUES TEST STANDARDS Color White and Grey - Density, g/cc 1.8 5 ±0.0 1 ASTM D 1475 Chloride ion Diffusivity Not Measurable after 24 Months of Testing - Toxicity Non Toxic BS 6920 VOC < 2 0g/ltr ASTM D3960 Mixing Ratio (by weight) 5:18 Liquid: powder All values are subject to 5 - 10 % tolerance COVERAGE RATE HEALTH & SAFETY STORAGE & SHELF LIFE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION NOTE: The information contained in this DATA SHEET, as well as our advice, both written as oral or provided through testing, are based on our experience, and they do not constitute any product guarantee for the installer, who must take them as simple orientations, provided strictly as information. We recommend to study deeply all information provided before proceeding to the use or application of any of our products, and strongly advise to conduct tests “on - site” in order t o determine their convenience for a specific project. Our recommendations do not exempt of the obligation that installers have to deeply know the right application method for these systems before they use them, as well as to conduct as many preliminary tes ts as possible if there are any doubts about the appropriate system to use. The application, use and processing of our products are beyond our control, and therefore under the exclusive responsibility of the installer. In consequence, the installer will be the only responsible of any damage or prejudice derived from the partial or total in - observation of our indications, and in general, of the inappropriate use or application of these materials. Sajaa Industrial Area behind Sharjah Cement Factory, Sharjah U.A.E. Email: PO BOX: 65034 Tel: +971 6 572 6378 Website: ROYAL WAY INDUSTRIES LLC Page 2

1. TDS - WP - NF06 - 000_ 06 /2 1 PROPRETIES C H AR A C TERISTICS NEOSEAL FLEX CM210 is a two component polymer modified cementitious coating in pre - packaged form. I t is designed to be easily mixed on site using a slow speed drill fitted with a mixing paddle and then applied to the substrate using either brus h, trowel or spray. Roller appl ication may also be used, however finishing the surface with a trowel is recommended for best results. N EOSEAL FLEX CM210 is available in grey and white, cures to form an elastomeric waterproof membrane.  Withstands high positive and negative hydrostatic pressures  Excellent crack accommodation before and after immersion  Approved for use in contact with potable water  Excellent bond to concrete and masonry  Long working life  Easy application by brush, trowel or spray  Bonds to green or damp concrete NEOSEAL FLEX CM210 provides a cementitious, elastomeric waterproof coating with inherent crack - bridging ability. Typical applications include:  Potable water retaining structures.  Swimming Pools.  Potable water excluding structures.  Internal basement waterproofing.  Drainage culverts.  Wet areas: Kitchens, bathrooms, shower rooms  Foundations in contact with ground water under saline conditions NEOSEAL FLEX CM210 acrylic cementitious coating shall be applied as per the following general method of application: A. Substrate preparation: The performance and ultimately the durability of the coating largely depends on the condition of the substrate. Therefore, conditioning and preparation of the substrate is of utmost importance. Concrete surface: The surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove all dust particles and laitance. Surface defects like cracks, holes or voids in the concrete needs to be repaired using an appropriate polymer modified mortar (PMM) within the correct ratio of (1:5:15). Af ter the surface needs to be in SSD condition not with standing water. PROPERTIES B. Mixing The material is supplied in two parts and pre measured. Take the liquid in a container and slowly add the powder to the liquid and mix using a slow speed drill fitted with a suitable paddle mixer until a lump free consistency is obtained. Do not mix more material than that can be used within 50 - 60 minutes. Mix thoroughly and keep mixing the material during application. C. Application Apply with a short stiff bristle brush , roller or trowel once the 1 st coat is applied to achieve the desired thickness. Apply the 2 nd coat after the 1 st coat is completely dried to achieve a minimum thickness of 1.8 – 2 mm. It can be spray applied as well following the surface preparation as illustrated above. NEOSEAL FLEX CM210 Two Component Flexible Acrylic Cementitious Waterproofing Coating Page 1 AREAS OF APPLICATION METHOD OF APPLICATION NEOSEAL FLEX CM210 is available in 2 3 Kg Kit (Part A & Part B). PACKAGING


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