NEOTEX SPF Acrylic Protective Coating

Public Channel / Data Sheets

Pure Acrylic Protective Coating

NEOTEX – SP is a single component, high performance acrylic co-polymer based coating, designed to offer excellent long term waterproofing characteristics and resistance to UV degradation, whilst remaining flexible to give excellent crack bridging ability.

- Single component, easy to apply by brush, roller and spray.
- Excellent UV resistance.
- Withstands substrate movements.
- Provide seamless coating.
- Elastomeric, high crack bridging capability.
- Environmental friendly, can be applied in confined areas.
- Can be applied to a wide range of substrates.
- Excellent adhesion to most of the substrates.
- Can be applied over existing systems.
- Excellent build properties. Enable application to horizontal and vertical surfaces.

NEOTEX-SP is easy to apply, cost effective and particularly used in:
- Waterproofing of flashing, roof edgings, walls (either concrete, cement mortar, wood and metal), etc.
- Waterproofing of gardens, swimming pools, basement, and sandwich application.
- Wet areas, like bathrooms, kitchens, etc.
- Protective coating on polyurethane foam insulation.


NEOTEX-SP acrylic coating shall be applied as per the following
general method of application:

A. Substrate preparation:
The performance and ultimately the durability of the coating largely
depends on the condition of the substrate. Therefore, conditioning
and preparation of the substrate is of utmost importance.

Concrete surface:
The surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove all dust particles
and laitance. Surface defects like potholes and pinholes on building
facades on the concrete shall be repaired with an appropriate polymer
modified repair mortar.

Metal surface:
The surface should be cleaned from all rust scales. This can be achieved
by wire brushing or grit blasting.

B. Priming
On new concrete surface the NEOTEX-SP coating can be applied
directly. However, it is highly recommended to apply a priming coat
on all old and porous substrates for improving the adhesion of the
subsequent coats.

The priming coat can be prepared in the work site by diluting NEOTEX-SP
with only 10% clean potable water. The priming material shall be mixed thoroughly using a low RPM paddle mixer to ensure proper homogeneity
of the mix.

C. Top coat
Application of NEOTEX - SP is to be done by using a suitable roller
or brush. Large areas of application can be done by using an airless
spray machine. To achieve an appropriate consistency while using
an airless spray we recommend diluting the NEOTEX - SP by a
maximum of 10% of potable water.

The coating always has to be applied with a minimum of 2 coats for
optimum performance. The coverage rate will always vary depending
on the area of application and the nature of the substrate.

NEOTEX - SP is available in 20 Kg Pail.

1 m² / Kg/Coat

NEOTEX - SP pails should always be stored in dry and covered
areas. The product should not be exposed to direct sunlight or be
kept near any source of heat.

The product Shelf life is up to 12 months when stored as per the
recommended storage conditions.

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2. TDS - WP - N T05 - 000_ 09/20 PROPERTIES TYPICAL VALUES TEST STANDARDS Color White/Off white - Density, g/cc 1.2 ASTM D 1475 Solid Content 55 +/ - 0.5 % ASTM C836/ ASTM C898 Tensile strength 0.85N/mm² ASTM D 412 Elongation at break >150 ASTM D 412 Full cure@ 25°C 24 hrs. - Service temperature - 5°C to 70°C - Hydrostatic pressure @ 5 bar (50m) No Leakage BS EN 12390 (PART8) Application Temp 5°C to 35°C - Toxicity Non Toxic BS 6920 VOC (g/Ltr) <40g/ltr ASTM D3960 SRI 85 - 95 - All values are subject to 5 - 10 % tolerance TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 1 Kg /1 m² /Coat COVERAGE RATE NEOTEX SPF is available in 20 Kg Pail. PACKAGING Protective clothing such as gloves and goggles should be worn while applying NEOTEX – SP F. In case the material splashes to the skin or eyes wash the s ame with fresh water immediately. In critical cases seek medical assistance. HEALTH & SAFETY NEOTEX - SP pails should always be stored in dry and covered areas. The product should not be exposed to direct sunlight or be kept near any source of heat. The product Shelf life is up to 12 months when stored as per the recommended sto rage conditions. STORAGE & SHELF LIFE NOTE: The information contained in this DATA SHEET, as well as our advice, both written as oral or provided through testing, are based on our experience, and they do not constitute any product guarantee for the installer, who must take them as simple orientations, provided strictly as informatio n. We recommend to study deeply all information provided before proceeding to the use or application of any of our products, and strongly advise to conduct tests “on - site” in order to determine their convenience for a specific project. Our recommendations do not exempt of the obligation that installers have to deeply know the right application method for these systems before they use them, as well as to conduct as many preliminary tests as possible if there are any doubts about the appropriate system to use . The application, use and processing of our products are beyond our control, and therefore under the exclusive responsibility of the installer. In consequence, the installer will be the only responsible of any damage or prejudice derived from the partial or total in - observation of our indications, and in general, of the inappropriate use or application of these materials. Sajaa Industrial Area behind Sharjah Cement Factory, Sharjah U.A.E. Email: PO BOX: 65034 Tel: +971 6 572 6378 Website: R OYAL WAY INDUSTRIES LLC Page 2

1. TDS - WP - N T05 - 000_ 09/20 PROPRETIES C H AR A C TERISTICS NEOTEX SPF is a single component, high performance acrylic co - polymer based coating, designed to offer excellent long term waterproofing characteristics and good bond to polyurethane foams, whilst remaining flexible to give excellent crack bridging ability.  Single component, easy to apply by brush, roller and spray.  Excellent coating for over or under the polyurethane foam.  Withstands substrate movements.  Provide seamless coating.  Elastomeric, high crack bridging capability.  Environmental friendly, can be applied in confined areas.  Can be applied to a wide range of substrates.  Excellent adhesion to most of the substrates.  Can be applied over existing systems.  Excellent build properties. Enable application to horizontal and vertical surfaces. PROPERTIES NEOTEX – SPF Pure Acrylic Protective Coating Page 1 B. Priming On new concrete surface the NEOTEX - SPF coating can be applied directly. However, it is highly recommended to apply a priming coat on all old and porous substrates for improving the adhesion of the subsequent coats. The priming coat must be applied NEOPRIME - SPF . The priming material shall be mixed thoroughly using a low RPM paddle mixer to ensure proper homogeneity of the mix and should only be diluted if required with potable water to desired consistency. Primer application can be done using a brush or roller. For large areas the application can also be done using an airless spray machine. The primer should be allowed to dry before applying subsequent coats for at least 6 to 8 hours. The area should be re - primed if there is a delay in the application of the top coat for more than 24hours. C. Top coat Application of NEOTEX - SPF is to be done by using a suitable roller or brush. Large areas of application can be done by using an airless spray machine. To achieve an appropriate consistency while using an airless spray we recommend diluting the NEOTEX - SPF by a maximum of 10% of potable water. The coating always has to be applied with a minimum of 2 coats for optimum performance. The coverage rate will always vary depending on the area of application and the nature of the substrate. For higher strength and flexibility, insert a non - woven geotextile membrane whilst the first coat is still wet on all corner joints, fillets and pipe penetration joints. Allow the coating to fully cure for 72 hours to achieve its full properties. NEOTEX - SPF is easy to apply, cost effective and particularly used in:  Waterproofing of flashing, roof edgings, walls (either concrete, cement mortar, wood, PU foam and metal), etc.  Waterproofing of gardens, swimming pools, basement, and sandwich application.  Wet areas, like bathrooms, kitchens, etc.  Protective coating on polyurethane foam insulation. AREAS OF APPL ICATION NEOTEX - SPF acrylic coating shall be applied as per the following general method of application: A. Substrate preparation: The performance and ultimately the durability of the coating largely depends on the condition of the substrate. Therefore, conditioning and preparation of the substrate is of utmost importance. Concrete surface: The surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove all dust particles and laitance. Surface defects like potholes and pinholes on building facades on the concrete shall be repaired with an appropriate polymer modified repair mortar. Metal surface: The surface should be cle aned from all rust scales. This can be achieved by wire brushing or grit blasting. METHOD OF APPLICATION


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