RAKAM 105 - HP -RAK NS Grout

Public Channel / Data Sheets

(Special Cement Modified Non-Shrink Grout)

RAK NS Grout HB is a pre-mixed, special cement modified cementitious non-shrink grout
which requires only the addition of water to obtain a free flowing non-shrink grout of excellent


• on-shrink
• Pre-mixed and packed to avoid site
variations and errors
• High bond strength to steel and concrete
• High early strength characteristics for
rapid return

• Adjustable consistency
• High strength, impact resistance and
• Non-shrink properties give maximum
contact with bearing surfaces
• Can be used up to a 80 mm thickness
between plate and foundation

• Repair to pre-cast concrete
• Bedding bearing plates and grouting
• Floor repairs and toppings
• Heavy machinery and equipment
• Pre-fabricated unit joints and cable

Ordering Guide:

PRODUCT NO. -- 105
STANDARDS -- ASTM C - 191, 878, 230 ASTM C - 827-78
PACKAGING -- 25kg Paper / Plastic Bag
COLOR -- Grey

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1. TECHNICAL DATA SHEET 105 - HB RAK NS GROUT (SPECIAL CEMENT MODIFIED NON - SHRINK GROUT) RAK NS GROUT HB is a pre - mixed, special cement modified c ementitious non - shrink grout which requires only the addition of water to obtain a free flowing non - shrink grout of excellent performance. 105 RAK NS GROUT (No n Shrink Gro ut) 105 RAK NS GROUT (N o n Shri n k Gr out ) ADVANTAGES RESISTANCE TO HIGH TEMPERATURE: ORDERING GUIDE • on - shrink • Pre - mixed and packed to avoid site variations and errors • High bond strength to steel and concrete • High early strength characteristics for rapid return • Adjustable consistency • High strength, impact resistance and durability • Non - shrink properties give maximum contact with bearing surfaces • Can be used up to a 80 mm thickness between plate and foundation RAK NS Grout can withstand high temperature (+400°C) for very long periods without deterioting substantially. PRODUCT NO. 105 STANDARDS ASTM C - 191, 878, 230 ASTM C - 827 - 78 PACKAGING 25kg Paper / Plastic Bag COLOR Grey RESISTANCE TO CHEMICAL ATTACK RAK NS Grout is watertight and is protected against environmental aggressive agents in solution. STORAGE RAK NS Grout should be stored in dry premises, away from direct sunlight, wind and humidity APPLICATION Mix the powder with measured quantity of water for a minimum of 5 minutes to obtain a smooth, uniform lump free consistency. Approximately 4.5 - 5.5 liters of water is needed for 25 kg of powder. Pour the grout continuously to eliminate air pockets. For a thick consistency, 3.5 - 4. 5 litres of water should be used and for dry packs 2 – 2.5 liters of water should be used. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH N/MM2AT 20°C (BS/1881 Pt 116 - 1983) Day 1 30 7 59 28 90 USES • Repair to pre - cast concrete • Bedding bearing plates and grouting • Floor repairs and toppings • Heavy machinery and equipment foundations • Pre - fabricated unit joints and cable grouting FLEXURAL STRENGTH N/MM2AT 25°C (BS - 4551 1980) Day 1 5.2 7 8.7 28 10.8 TYPICAL PROPERTIES Appearance Powder Apparent Density 1.5 gm/cc Grain Size 0.4mm 1.2mm Adhesion on - 26.8 Bar Concrete Color Grey Expansion Perios 120 Minutes Expansion - Max 2.2% @ Chracterstics 24 Hours HEALTH AND SAFETY As with all chemical products, caution should always be exercised. Protective clothing, such as gloves and goggles, should be worn (see packaging for specific instructions). Treat any splashes to the skin or eyes with fresh water immediately. Should any of the product be accidentally swallowed, do not induce vomiting but call for medical assistance immediately. Ensure the container is available for the medical attendant to examine any relevant instructions and contents details. Reseal all containers after use and ensure product is stored as instructed on the safety section of the labelling SUPPORT Supports should be sound, clean and free of dust, demoulding materials, oil, paint, etc. Clean the area to be grouted with water 24 hours prior to grouting. The surface should be damp but strictly free of standing water. The bolt holes and other areas should be water free. Bare plates, bolts, etc. must be clean and free of oil, grease paint, etc. The form works should be leak proof. BOND TO STEEL The bond of RAK NS Grout to steel, calculated by applying loads to the bars underg o 2 in g pull - ou t test s an d b y th e grout stee l c o 2 ntac t surfac e is: For plain bars: 3 N/m m 2 a t 7 days 4 N/m m 2 a t 2 8 days For deformed bars: 20 N/mm at 7 days 30 N/mm at 28 days CLEANING Tools should be cleaned with water 08 FLOORING & TILING WATER PROOFING BONDING AGENTS SEALANTS & MORTARS SPECIALITY PRODUCTS


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