RAKAM 106 RAK Epoxy NS Grout

Public Channel / Data Sheets

(Epoxy Non-Shrink Grout)

RAK EPOXY GROUT is a three component solvent free, non shrink and water proof
epoxy grout specifically formulated for a wide variety of industrial applications.


• Priming is not necessary
• Excellent adhesion to steel and concrete
• High compressive and flexural strength
• Non shrink and rapid strength gain


• For high load crane rail grouting.
• For old and new machine base pla tes.
• For pile head treatment, ground anchors,
towers and structural filling of holes and
cavities in concrete.
• For industrial equipment and machinery
which are subject to dynamic forces.
• Used where application thickness ranges
from 10-100 mm.

Ordering Guide:

PRODUCT NO. -- 106
STANDARDS -- ASTM C - 191, 878, 230 , ASTM C - 827-78
PACKAGING -- 5kg Set
COLOR -- Grey

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1. RAK EPOXY GROUT is a three component solvent free, non shrink and water proof epoxy grout specifically formulated for a wide variety of industrial applications. • Priming is not necessary • Excellent adhesion to steel and concrete • High compressive and flexural strength • Non shrink and rapid strength gain (Epoxy Non-Shrink Grout) 106 - RAK EPOXY GROUT ADVANTAGES For all epoxy resin applications the quality of surface preparation has a direct eect on the performance and durability of the system. Concrete surfaces should be sound, dimensionally stable, clean, free from solvents, paint, oil, grease, mould release agent and residual curing compound. A rough scabbed surface is preferable. Metal surfaces or components to be bedded should be free from any rust, scaling or paint. Formwork if used should be wrapped in polythene to ensure a clean release. SURFACE PREPARATION As with all chemical products, caution should always be exercised. Protective clothing, such as gloves and goggles, should be worn (see packaging for specific instructions). Treat any splashes to the skin or eyes with fresh water immediately. Should any of the product be accidentally swallowed, do not induce vomiting but call for medical assistance immediately. Ensure the container is available for the medical attendant to examine any relevant instructions and contents details. Reseal all containers after use and ensure product is stored as instructed on the safety section of the labelling. HEALTH AND SAFETY Immediately after mixing pour into the prepared area in such manner that it has only the shortest distance to flow. For longer pours a suitable head of pressure may be required. Ensure that the area to be grouted is not completely sealed and any displaced air can be expelled. Pour continuously from one end only. Allow the grout to set before removing the formwork, usually after 6 hours. Where placement exceeds a depth of 80 mm, application should be carried out in layers and the second layer should be applied after 6 hours. APPLICATION 15 kg/set will yield 7.5 Litres of grout. COVERAGE RAKAM will be pleased to oer full Technical support on specific application. TECHNICAL SERVICE 12 months if stored below 30°C STORAGE • For high load crane rail grouting. • For old and new machine base plates. • For pile head treatment, ground anchors, towers and structural filling of holes and cavities in concrete. • For industrial equipment and machinery which are subject to dynamic forces. • Used where application thickness ranges from 10-100 mm. USES Mix with a slow speed drill and paddle. Add the contents of the reactor container to the base component in a suitable mixing vessel taking care to completely transfer both the resin components. Mix for one minute before slowly adding the aggregate and continue mixing until a flowing and pourable consistency is achieved. MIXING TYPICAL PROPERTIES Pot Life: @25°C 60 Min @40°C 25 Min Cure: @25°C 7 Days @40°C 3 Days Compressive Strength (BS6319 Part 2 19833) 24 Hrs 82 N/sq.mm 3 days 90 N/sq.mm 7 days 95 N/sq.mm Flexural Strength (BS 6319 Part 3 1983) 41 N/sq.mm Tensile Strength (ASTM C-190-1985) Specific Gravity 20 N/sq.mm 1.9 ORDERING GUIDE 106 ASTM C - 191, 878, 230 ASTM C - 827-78 15kg Set Grey PRODUCT NO. STANDARDS PACKAGING COLOR F L O O RIN G & TI L IN G W A T E R P R O O FIN G B ON D IN G A G E N T S S E ALA N T S & MO R T A R S S P E CIA L I T Y P R O DU C T S 09 TECHNICAL DATA SHEET


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