RAKAM 208 RAK Proof FB

Public Channel / Data Sheets

(Acrylic Waterproof with Fibre)

RAK PROOF FB is a specially formulated hi build single pack, high quality, elastomeric waterproof
coating. It has outstanding durability, uv resistance and a very high degree of flexibility.


• One component; ready to apply direct from the can.
• Liquid application means details are simplified and
• there are no joints in the membrane. Highly elastic ,
cures to give a permanently flexible resilient barrier
over a wide range of temperatures. Rapid Installation;
significantly reduces time spent on Preparatory works
and detailing
• Excellent adhesion can be applied to a wide range of
• Substrates. Continuous adhesion prevents lateral migration
of water Impervious outstanding barrier properties ensure
protection against corrosive soil conditions
• Thermally stable-irreversible chemical cure.
• Eliminates melting and flow at high temperature Excellent
resistance to oxidation and embrittlement.
• Mechanical damage to the membrane can be easily repaired
by spot application.


The high elasticity, excellent bond and low water permeability
of RAK Proof-FB makes it ideal for a wide range of water/vapour
proofing applications such as foundations, basements, tunnels,
ground floors, suspended floors, car decks, roof terraces, balconies,
patios, bridges, precincts, inspection pits, water retaining structures(
not potable water), sewage works, inverted roofs , toilets, bathrooms,
kitchens etc. The excellent chemical resistance of RAK Proof-FB makes it
particularly suitable for tanking applications in areas where agressive
ground water conditions

Ordering Guide:

Product No. -- 208
Standards -- ASTM D 4541 BS EN 12390 Pt 8:2000 ,
Packaging -- 5 , 20 kg per pail
Color -- White

Must be protected between 5°C and
30°C. 12 months in unopened airtight

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1. As with all chemical products, caution should always be exercised. Protective clothing such as gloves and googles should be worn (see packaging for specific instructions). Treat any splashes to the skin or eyes with fresh water immediately. Should any of the products be accidently swallowed do not inducce vomiting, but call for medical assistance instructions and content details.Reseal all containers after use and ensure product is stored as instructed on the safety section of the labelling immediately. HEALTH AND SAFETY RAK PROOF FB is a specially formulated hi build single pack, high quality, elastomeric waterproof coating. It has outstanding durability, uv resistance and a very high degree of flexibility. (Acrylic Waterproof with Fibre) 208 - RAK PROOF-FB The support must be clean, free of dust, dirt, oil, grease and loose particles. When applying on metal surfaces,remove rust and contamination for best results. Apply with brush, roller or an approximate spray. Apply a primer coat of RAK Proof-FB (80% RAK Proof-FB + 20% water) with brush, roller or spray. Once the primer coat has completely dried, apply minimum two coats of undiluted RAK Proof-FB. It is important to ensure that coat has totally cured(i.e-min 6 hours at 30°C). APPLICATION The high elasticity, excellent bond and low water permeability of RAK Proof-FB makes it ideal for a wide range of water/vapour proofing applications such as foundations, basements, tunnels, ground floors, suspended floors, car decks, roof terraces, balconies, patios, bridges, precincts, inspection pits, water retaining structures( not potable water), sewage works, inverted roofs , toilets, bathrooms, kitchens etc. The excellent chemical resistance of RAK Proof-FB makes it particularly suitable for tanking applications in areas where agressive ground water conditions prevail. USES Must be protected between 5°C and 30°C. 12 months in unopened airtight containers. SHELF LIFE Clean all tools with water after use. CLEANING • One component; ready to apply direct from the can • Liquid application means details are simplified and • there are no joints in the membrane. Highly elastic , cures to give a permanently flexible • resilient barrier over a wide range of tempretures. Rapid Installation; significantly reduces time spent on • Preparatory works and detailing Excellent adhesion can be applied to a wide range of • Substrates. Contineous adhesion prevents lateral migaration of water Impervious outstanding barrier properties ensure protection against corrosive soil conditions Thermally stable-irreversible chemical cure • Eliminates melting and flow at high tempreture Excellent resistance to oxidation and embrittlement • Mechanical damage to the membrane can be easily repaired by spot application ADVANTAGES TYPICAL PROPERTIES Density pH Solid content Elongation at - break Colour Toxicity Tack free time @30°C Time to full cure @30°C Typical cured membrane properties (at 28 days) Elongation (ASTM D412) Tensile Strength (ASTM D4541) Recovery from 400% elongation (ASTM D412) Tear resistance (ASTM D624) Water vapour transmission for 1.3 mm film (ASTM E96) Permeability @ 7 bar pressure 7th Day (BS EN 12390 Part 8 : 2000) Artificial weathering Service tempreture (contineous ambient) 1.25g/cc 8-8.5 65 + 2% by weight 600 % White Non - toxic 6 hours 48 hours at 1.3mm thickness 600% 1.8 N/mm2 95% 16 N 6.2 g/m2/24 hrs. NIL No loss of flexibility after 4000 hours exposure -40°C to 70°C Wt: 5Kg Wt: 20Kg ORDERING GUIDE 208 ASTM D 4541 BS EN 12390 Pt 8:2000 5 , 20 kg Packs White PRODUCT NO. STANDARDS PACKAGING COLOR F L O O RIN G & TI L IN G W A T E R P R O O FIN G B ON D IN G A G E N T S S E ALA N T S & MO R T A R S S P E CIA L I T Y P R O DU C T S 20 TECHNICAL DATA SHEET


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