RAKAM 505-RAK Filler

Public Channel / Data Sheets

Cementitious Powder For Interior/Exterior Crack Repairs )

RAK FILLER Filler is a chemically modified cementitious powder
designed for filling cracks up to 3mm for internal and external areas
which develops early strength and excellent bonding.


For repairing of cracks in the concrete surfaces of Concrete Walls, Industrial
Floors, Ramps, Masonry Brick Works and Mortar plasters.


• Interior & Exterior crack repairs
• High compressive and bond strength
• Free from corrosion
• Superior workability
• Non-Shrink
• High Fluidity characteristic
• Ready to use & economical

2.5 kg /m2 3mm thick on fla t surface


It is recommended to mix a full 1.5 kg bag of RAK Filler with clean water. Place
approximately 0.13 Liter of water into mixer. Slowly add RAK Filler while stirring
continuously with slow speed electric drill (Rev. 300-600 rpm) or plastic mix. The
mixed material can be applied vertically or horizontally to fill the cracks, pores and
voids. For vertical application use a wet mix in order to prevent sagging.

Ordering Guide

Product No. -- 505
Standards -- ASTM C - 109, BS6319 - 1
Packaging -- 1.5 kg x10 per carton
Color -- White

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1. As with all chemical products, caution should always be exercised. Protective clothing, such as gloves and goggles, should be worn (see packaging for specific instructions). Treat any splashes to the skin or eyes with fresh water immediately. Should any of the product be accidentally swallowed, do not induce vomiting but call for medical assistance immediately. Ensure the container is available for the medical attendant to examine any relevant instructions and contents details. Reseal all containers after use and ensure product is stored as instructed on the safety section of the labelling. HEALTH AND SAFETY RAK FILLER Filler is a chemically modified cementitious powder designed for filling cracks up to 3mm for internal and external areas which develops early strength and excellent bonding. (Cementitious Powder For Interior/Exterior Crack Repairs ) 505 - RAK FILLER • Interior & Exterior crack repairs • High compressive and bond strength • Free from corrosion • Superior workability • Non-Shrink • High Fluidity characteristic • Ready to use & economical ADVANTAGES It is recommended to mix a full 1.5 kg bag of RAK Filler with clean water. Place approximately 0.13 Liter of water into mixer. Slowly add RAK Filler while stirring continuously with slow speed electric drill (Rev. 300-600 rpm) or plastic mix. The mixed material can be applied vertically or horizontally to fill the cracks, pores and voids. For vertical application use a wet mix in order to prevent sagging. APPLICATION Surface must be sound, clean and free from dirt, oil and all contaminants. Concrete must be hacked back until a sound concrete surface is obtained. The surface of concrete to receive RAK Filler must be roughened to increase the bond of the mortar to concrete. The prepared concrete surface must be damped with clean water before application SURFACE PREPARATION RAKAM will the pleased to oer full Technical support on specific application TECHNICAL SERVICE 2.5 kg /m2 3mm thick on flat surface COVERAGE Minimum one year in original packing if stored in a cool and dry place. STORAGE For repairing of cracks in the concrete surfaces of Concrete Walls, Industrial Floors, Ramps, Masonry Brick Works and Mortar plasters. USES TYPICAL PROPERTIES Specific Gravity Colour Max. part size Open time (premix time) @30°C Pot Life @ 30°C Compressive Strength 1 Day 7 Days 28 Days Recommended Thickness up to 3 mm thick Initial Surface Absorption 10 Min 30 Min 60 Min Slant Shear Bond 1st Day Thermal Co-ecient CONFIRMS TO 1.78 White Powder 100 Microns 40 - 45 Mins 3000 psi 4500 psi 600 psi <0.02 ml.sec/m2 <0.01 ml.sec/m2 <0.02 ml.sec/m2 14 N/mm2 N/A ASTM C-109 & BS 63191 ORDERING GUIDE 505 ASTM C - 109 BS6319 - 1 1.5 kg x10 per carton White PRODUCT NO. STANDARDS PACKAGING COLOR F L O O RIN G & TI L IN G W A T E R P R O O FIN G B ON D IN G A G E N T S S E ALA N T S & MO R T A R S S P E CIA L I T Y P R O DU C T S 34 TECHNICAL DATA SHEET


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