APP modified bituminous membrane - slated
Biplas SL is a high performance waterproofing membrane especially formulated with reflective natural or color slates to give maximum protection against UV radiation in an exposed system application. The presence of the slates will also provide an aesthetically pleasant surface. It is an ideal membrane re-roofing applications where it can be placed on top of the existing surface, providing an economical and efficient solution to leaking roofs. Biplas SL membrane is resistant to water-borne chemical attack.
2. 2/2 Technical data sheet . Edition: 09.19-A Properties Test Method Typical Values Thickness Reinforcement base Tensile strength - long - trans Elongation - long - trans Lap joint strength - long - trans TEAR RESISTANCE - long - trans Low temperature flexibility* Puncture Resistance Static Puncture Resistance Dynamic Water Absorption (n/a slate) Flow Resistance less than 2mm Reaction to fire Biplas membranes are resistant to chlorides, sulphates and phosphates found in ground water. ASTM D5147 EN 1849-1 EN 12311-1 EN 12311-1 EN 12311-1 EN 12311-1 EN 12317-1 EN 12317-1 ASTM D5147 ASTM D5147 EN 12730 EN 12691 ASTM D570 EN1110 EN 13501-1 TOLERANCE -0.2mm 20% -20% -15% -15% - 20% - 20% min min min min mlv mlv mlv Euroclass 4.00mm 180 gms/m² non woven Polyester 750 N/5cm 550 N/5cm 40% 45% 750 N/5cm 550 N/5cm 550 N 375 N 0 º C 20 kg > 700mm <0.15% 100 º C F DISCLAIMER While the company guarantees its products against defective materials, the use and application of these products are made without guarantee since the conditions of their application are beyond its control. It is recommended to verify with the company that the product is suitable for the intended use, and that this Data Sheet version is the latest one. The company may modify it without prior notice. Technical characteristics are listed for guidance only. For more information, please contact the company’s office in your location. NOTE The information included on this Technical Data Sheet is the sole property of Saint-Gobain Middle East Holding SAL (previously SODAMCO Holding). The unauthorized disclosure, use, dissemina- tion or copying (either whole or partial) of this data sheet or any information it contains, is prohibited and subject to legal pursuit. Biplas SL 4MM/180 * Different cold flexibility value can be supplied to special order WATERPROOFING
1. PACKAGING Biplas SL 4MM/180 GENERAL Biplas SL 4MM/180 is a high performance waterproofing membrane especially formulated with reflective natural or color slates to give maximum protection against UV radiation in an exposed system application. The presence of the slates will also provide an aesthetically pleasant surface. It is an ideal membrane re-roofing applications where it can be placed on top of the existing surface, providing an economical and efficient solution to leaking roofs. Biplas SL 4MM/180 membrane is resistant to water-borne chemical attack. COATING MIXTURE The coating compound mix of Biplas SL 4MM/180 membrane is produced with high quality bitumen modified with selected (APP) polymers and thermoplastic resins and stabilizers. This mixture gives the membrane its excellent resistance to atmospheric agents and thermal ageing. The mix also allows constant flexibility and plasticity at low or high temperatures. The compound also allows for quick application and torching. SELF PROTECTING SHIELD During the manufacturing process the upper surface of the membrane is uniformly coated with a layer of natural slate flakes (chips/granules) that adhere to the top surface of the membrane at high temperature. During this process the selvedge of the slated surface is left uncoated and 10 cm covered with a flammable film that can be torched, thus providing continuity at the overlaps and a perfect watertight seal. The slate flakes provide protection for the waterproofing covering from ageing caused by infra red and UV rays. The reflective power of the natural slate also lowers the temperature underneath. The slate flakes may come in a variety of colors. REINFORCEMENT CORE Biplas SL 4MM/180 membranes are reinforced with a 180 g/m² non woven spun bond polyester core. The core is of continuous thread, rot-proof material which has a high tensile strength and offers high resistance to tear and puncturing loads and remains highly flexible at tempera- tures below 0 º C. APPLICATION TOOLS & EQUIPMENT The tools and equipment required to apply biplas membrane include a propane gas torch with related cylinder, a knife for cutting and trimming, a trowel with a rounded end. METHOD OF APPLICATION The application of Biplas SL 4MM/180 is both easy and quick. Where it is to be laid directly in a one-layer system on concrete, tiles or an existing roofing system, a coat of d- ry prime WB or dry prime SB at the rate of 200-300 g/m² should first be applied. Allow this coating to dry thoroughly. In areas of high humidity we recommend it should be left overnight. As in all other application, the membrane should first be unrolled and positioned correctly on the surface to be treated. Each roll should overlap the adjacent roll by the size of the selvedge, i.e. 10 cm. Once the roll has been positioned correctly, the membrane should be rolled up again, taking care not to change its orientation. Using left to right movements, heat the lower surface of the membrane with a propane gas torch. This will cause slight surface melting and adhesion to the substrate. Continue the above method for consecutive rolls remembering overlaps must always cover the whole selvedge and end laps to 1/2 Technical data sheet . Edition: 09.19-A APP modified bituminous membrane - Slated Leb Syria Jordan UAE Qatar Kuwait KSA Oman 1x10 m 1x10 m 1x10 m 1x10 m 1x10 m 1x10 m 1x10 m 1x10 m WATERPROOFING
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