VELOSIT® WP 120 Highly Flexible Cementitious Waterproofing Slurry

Public Channel / Data Sheets

Application fields
VELOSIT WP 120 is a polymer modified flexible
cementitious waterproofing slurry for concrete
and masonry. It is a good substrate for coatings
and overlays. It is very flexible (crack bridging)
and a good barrier against carbon dioxide.
Typical application fields besides others are as
• Waterproofing of basements and below
grade parking structures
• Protective coating on dams and spillways
• Coating of tanks for manure and sewage
• Waterproofing of swimming pools (Tiled)
• Waterproofing underneath tiles, natural
stone, brick and pavers
• Waterproofing of balconies
• Waterproofing of green roofs
VELOSIT WP 120 is a highly flexible
cementitious waterproofing slurry that cures
quickly. VELOSIT WP 120 creates a crack
bridging and abrasion resistant coating on the
VELOSIT WP 120 can be applied by brush,
trowel, roller or suitable spray equipment.
• Crack bridging
• Highly flexible, tensile elongation > 100%
• Easy to apply
• Resists 160 ft. (50m) water pressure acc. to
EN 12390-8-Positive Side
• 60 min. working time
• Open to foot traffic after 3-4 hours (70°F/
60% r.h.)
• Ready for water pressure after 3 days
• Very good adhesion to concrete and
• Good resistance against aggressive media
with a pH range of 3-12 and against soft
water with low ion content
• Good weathering resistance
• Good sulfate resistance

1.) Substrate preparation
VELOSIT WP 120 is designed for mineralic
substrates like concrete, masonry or absorptive
natural stones, terra cotta and wood.
Substrate must be prepared with sand blasting,
shot blasting or ideally high pressure water
blasting (>1450 psi/100 bar) to remove all bond
breaking substances. Substrate must be pore
open and load bearing. The minimum
requirement for adhesive strength is 218 psi
(1.5MPa) and for the compressive strength
3625 psi (25 MPa). Lower strength values can
be accepted if lower adhesive strength is
acceptable. Active water leaks must be treated
and fully stopped with VELOSIT PC 221/222.
Leaking cracks need to be sealed with a
suitable VELOSIT IR injection material. Bug
holes, honeycombs or other surface defects can
be filled with VELOSIT WP 101 or the repair
mortar VELOSIT RM 202. Before the application
of VELOSIT WP 120, dampen the substrate with
clean water to a saturated surface dry (SSD)
a.) The wall-slab-detail can be solved with a
cove made with VELOSIT WP 101 or RM 202 or
alternatively with a joint tape VELOSIT DB 830.
The joint tape can be applied with VELOSIT WP
120, joint tape adhesive VELOSIT DK 701, or
epoxy adhesive
b.) Negative waterproofing: In case of
hydrostatic pressure, a negative side
waterproofing must be applied with at least 40
mils of VELOSIT WP 101 or WP 102.
c.) Joints and dynamic cracks must be
waterproofed with VELOSIT DB 830. The joint
tape may be applied with VELOSIT WP 120,DK
701 or epoxy adhesive.
d.) Pipe penetrations are waterproofed with a
sleeve made from VELOSIT DB 830. Cut a hole
into the sleeve with a diameter approx.
¼” (6mm) smaller than the pipe. The sleeve is
made from a 5” (13 cm) piece of VELOSIT DB
830. Brush plenty of VELOSIT WP 120 onto the
sanded pipe and the surrounding area. Pull the
sleeve over the pipe push it with a trowel into
the material. Work away from the pipe and take
care not to entrap air or create wrinkles.
2.) Processing
Mixing: Pour the B-component of VELOSIT WP
120 into a suitable bucket and mix the powder
with a slow speed drill (300-600 rpm) into the
dispersion until a lump-free mix is achieved. Add
up to 1 quart of water while stirring to adjust the
desired consistency. Water addition extends the
cure time and should be kept as low as
The product is workable for 45-60 min. at 70°F.
a.) Brush application: Apply the first coat with a
masons brush in crossing applications to the
pre-dampened (SSD) substrate at the specified
rate. Second coat can be applied after the first
coat has gained sufficient strength which is
approx. 3 hours at 70°F. Colder temperatures
extend, warmer temperatures and direct
sunlight and wind shorten this time. It may be
possible to apply the second coat after 30-45
b.) If building code or specification does not
require two coats, VELOSIT WP 120 can be
applied in one coat by trowel. Make sure to
adjust the consistency to a thixotropic
workability without water addition. Apply a
scratch coat of VELOSIT WP 120 to the damp
(SSD) substrate to fill surface irregularities.
Immediately apply the desired material amount
with a notched trowel to the substrate. 80 mils
dry film thickness can be achieved with a ¼” (6
mm) notch size and application at a 45° angle.
Finish the surface immediately afterwards.
Make sure all grooves are completely closed
without air entrapment.
c.) Spray application: Use suitable spray
machines such as:
- Inotec GmbH: INOMAT-M8
- HighTech GmbH: HighPump Small
- Desoi GmbH: Desoi SP-Y
Fill the product into the feed hopper of the spray
machine and spray continuously. VELOSIT WP
120 can be applied in one lift if specification
allows. Otherwise spray in two layers with a wait
time of approx. 60 min. between coats. Long
spray interruptions may result in clogging of the
spray hose. The product may cure a lot faster if
the hose is exposed to direct sunlight. Always
empty and flush the machine after spraying or
before long spray interruptions. VELOSIT WP
120 is a fast curing material and may be hard to
remove if left in the machine.
3.) Curing
VELOSIT WP 120 does not require long term
curing as it reacts relatively fast with water from
the B-component. Avoid direct sun light or wind
or air flow after the application. Otherwise it is
mandatory to work in two coats to avoid
shrinkage cracks.
Brush application 60 mils:
1st coat VELOSIT WP 120: 250 sqft/kit
2nd coat VELOSIT WP 120: 250 sqft/kit
Trowel application 80 mils:
Scratch coat VELOSIT WP 120: 500-800 sqft/kit
2nd coat VELOSIT WP 120: 110-125 sqft
Spray application 80 mils:
VELOSIT WP 120: 95 sqft/kit
Recommended thickness:
Dampproofing: 50 mils (1.25 mm)
< 10” (25 cm)) water: 60 mils (1.5 mm)
Hydrostatic pressure: 80 mils (2mm)
Hydrostatic pressure and water flow or light
mechanical abrasion: 100 mils (2.5 mm)
Always observe building code or specification
VELOSIT WP 120 can be removed in the fresh
state with water. Once it has cured mechanical
cleaning is required.
Quality features
Color: gray
Mixing ratio by weight: 100 : 50
Mixing ratio by volume: 100 : 65
Density A-comp.: 8.46 lb/gal
Substrate temperature: 40-95°F
Water impermeability acc. EN 12390-8:
- Positive side: 73 psi (5 bar)
- Negative side: 22 psi (1.5 bar)
Tensile strength: 174 psi (1.2 MPa)
Tensile elongation: 105%
Crack bridging:
Acc. DIN 28052-6: 16 mils (.4 mm)/24h
Acc. ASTM C836: 112 mils (2.8 mm)
SD-valuewater, 2mm (80 mils: 2.5 m (8’4“)
SD-valueCO2, 2mm (80 mils): 230 m (750’)
Chloride ions: < 0.05%
Carbonation resistance: passed
Capillary water absorption: 0.02 kg/m2 x h0.5
Adhesive strength: 160 psi (1.1 MPa)
The A-component of VELOSIT WP 120 is
available in 44 lb (20 kg) watertight plastic bags.
The B-component is packaged in 2.6 gal (10 l)
22 lb (10 kg) plastic pails.
VELOSIT WP 120 can be stored in unopened
original packs for 12 months at 5-35°C
(40-95°F) in a dry storage place protected
against sunlight.
Please observe the actual valid material safety
data sheet and follow the described safety
measures for handling of the product.
VELOSIT WP 120 is only available for
professional applicators.
Never add water to VELOSIT WP 120 when it
has started to set. Stiffened material must be
All described product features are determined
under controlled laboratory conditions according
to the relevant international standards. Values
determined under job site conditions may
deviate from the stated values. Velosit USA LLC
warrants this product for a period of 1 year from
the date of installation to be manufactured
without defects and to be consistent with printed
technical characteristics. Velosit USA LLC
makes no warranty as to merchantability or
fitness for a particular purpose and this warranty
is in lieu of all other warranties expressed or
Please always use the latest version of this data
sheet available from our website.
Effective date
July 2014
Industriepark 7
32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg

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1. Application fields VELOSIT WP 120 is a polymer modified flexible cementitious waterproofing slurry for concrete and masonry. It is a good substrate for coatings and overlays. It is very flexible (crack bridging) and a good barrier against carbon dioxide. Typical application fields besides others are as follows: • Waterproofing of basements and below grade parking structures • Protective coating on dams and spillways • Coating of tanks for manure and sewage • Waterproofing of swimming pools (Tiled) • Waterproofing underneath tiles, natural stone, brick and pavers • Waterproofing of balconies • Waterproofing of green r oofs Properties VELOSIT WP 120 is a highly flexible cementitious waterproofing slurry that cures quickly . VELOSIT WP 120 creates a crack bridging and abrasion resistant coating on the substrate. VELOSIT WP 120 can be applied by brush, trowel, roller or suitable spray equipment. • Crack bridging • Highly flexible, tensile elongation > 100% • Easy to apply • Resists 160 ft. (50m) water pressure acc. to EN 12390-8-Positive Side • 60 min. working time • Open to foot traffic after 3-4 hours (70°F / 60% r.h.) • Ready for water pressure after 3 days • Very good adhesion to concrete and masonry • Good resistance against aggressive media with a pH range of 3-12 and against soft water with low ion content • Good weathering resistance • Good sulfate resistance VELOSIT ® WP 120 High ly Flexible Cementitious Waterproofing Slurry

2. Application 1.) Substrate preparation VELOSIT WP 120 is designed for mineralic substrates like concrete, masonry or absorptive natural stones, terra cotta and wood. Substrate must be prepared with sand blasting, shot blasting or ideally high pressure water blasting (> 1450 psi/100 bar) to remove all bond breaking substances. Substrate must be pore open and load bearing. The minimum requirement for adhesive strength is 218 psi (1.5MPa) and for the compressive strength 3625 psi (25 MPa). Lower strength values can be accepted if lower adhesive strength is acceptable. Active water leaks must be treated and fully stopped with VELOSIT PC 221/222. Leaking cracks need to be sealed with a suitable VELOSIT IR injection material. Bug holes, honeycombs or other surface defects can be filled with VELOSIT WP 101 or the repair mortar VELOSIT RM 202. Before the application of VELOSIT WP 120, dampen the substrate with clean water to a saturated surface dry (SSD) condition. Details: a.) The wall-slab-detail can be solved with a cove made with VELOSIT WP 101 or RM 202 or alternatively with a joint tape VELOSIT DB 830. The joint tape can be applied with VELOSIT WP 120, joint tape adhesive VELOSIT DK 701, or epoxy adhesive b.) Negative waterproofing: In case of hydrostatic pressure, a negative side waterproofing must be applied with at least 40 mils of VELOSIT WP 101 or WP 102. c.) Joints and dynamic cracks must be waterproofed with VELOSIT DB 830. The joint tape may be applied with VELOSIT WP 120,DK 701 or epoxy adhesive. d.) Pipe penetrations are waterproofed with a sleeve made from VELOSIT DB 830. Cut a hole into the sleeve with a diameter approx. ¼ ” (6mm) smaller than the pipe. The sleeve is made from a 5” (13 cm) piece of VELOSIT DB 830. Brush plenty of VELOSIT WP 120 onto the sanded pipe and the surrounding area. Pull the sleeve over the pipe push it with a trowel into the material. Work away from the pipe and take care not to entrap air or create wrinkles. 2.) Processing Mixing: Pour the B-component of VELOSIT WP 120 into a suitable bucket and mix the powder with a slow speed drill (300-600 rpm) into the

3. dispersion until a lump-free mix is achieved. Add up to 1 quart of water while stirring to adjust the desired consistency. Water addition extends the cure time and should be kept as low as possible. The product is workable for 45-60 min. at 70°F . a.) Brush application: Apply the first coat with a masons brush in crossing applications to the pre-dampened (SSD) substrate at the specified rate. Second coat can be applied after the first coat has gained sufficient strength which is approx. 3 hours at 70°F. Colder temperatures extend, warmer temperatures and direct sunlight and wind shorten this time. It may be possible to apply the second coat after 30-45 min. b.) If building code or specification does not require two coats, VELOSIT WP 120 can be applied in one coat by trowel. Make sure to adjust the consistency to a thixotropic workability without water addition. Apply a scratch coat of VELOSIT WP 120 to the damp (SSD) substrate to fill surface irregularities. Immediately apply the desired material amount with a notched trowel to the substrate. 80 mils dry film thickness can be achieved with a ¼ ” (6 mm) notch size and application at a 45° angle. Finish the surface immediately afterwards. Make sure all grooves are completely closed without air entrapment. c.) Spray application: Use suitable spray machines such as: - Inotec GmbH: INOMAT-M8 - HighTech GmbH: HighPump Small - Desoi GmbH: Desoi SP-Y Fill the product into the feed hopper of the spray machine and spray continuously. VELOSIT WP 120 can be applied in one lift if specification allows. Otherwise spray in two layers with a wait time of approx. 60 min. between coats. Long spray interruptions may result in clogging of the spray hose. The product may cure a lot faster if the hose is exposed to direct sunlight. Always empty and flush the machine after spraying or before long spray interruptions. VELOSIT WP 120 is a fast curing material and may be hard to remove if left in the machine. 3 .) Curing VELOSIT WP 120 does not require long term curing as it reacts relatively fast with water from the B-component. Avoid direct sun light or wind or air flow after the application. Otherwise it is mandatory to work in two coats to avoid shrinkage cracks. Estimating Brush application 60 mils : 1 st coat VELOSIT WP 120: 250 sqft/kit 2 nd coat VELOSIT WP 120: 250 sqft/kit Trowel application 80 mils: Scratch coat VELOSIT WP 120: 500-800 sqft/kit 2 nd coat VELOSIT WP 120: 110-125 sqft Spray application 80 mils : VELOSIT WP 120: 95 sqft/kit Recommended thickness: Dampproofing: 50 mils (1.25 mm) < 10” (25 cm)) water: 60 mils (1.5 mm) Hydrostatic pressure: 80 mils (2mm) Hydrostatic pressure and water flow or light mechanical abrasion: 100 mils (2.5 mm) Always observe building code or specification requirements! Cleaning VELOSIT WP 120 can be removed in the fresh state with water. Once it has cured mechanical cleaning is required. Quality features Color: gray Mixing ratio by weight: 100 : 50 Mixing ratio by volume: 100 : 65 Density A-comp.: 8.46 lb/gal Substrate temperature: 40-95°F (5-35°C ) Water impermeability acc. EN 12390-8: - Positive side: 73 psi (5 bar)

4. - Negative side: 22 psi (1.5 bar) Tensile strength: 174 psi (1.2 MPa) Tensile elongation: 105 % Crack bridging: Acc. DIN 28052-6: 16 mils (.4 mm) /24h Acc. ASTM C836: 112 mils (2.8 mm) S D -value water , 2mm (80 mils: 2.5 m (8’4“) S D -value CO2 , 2mm (80 mils): 230 m (750’) Chloride ions: < 0.05% Carbonation resistance: passed Capillary water absorption: 0.02 kg/m 2 x h 0.5 Adhesive strength: 160 psi (1.1 MPa) Packaging The A-component of VELOSIT WP 120 is available in 44 lb (20 kg) watertight plastic bags. The B-component is packaged in 2.6 gal (10 l) 22 lb (10 kg) plastic pails. Storage VELOSIT WP 120 can be stored in unopened original packs for 12 months at 5-35°C (40-95°F) in a dry storage place protected against sunlight. Safety Please observe the actual valid material safety data sheet and follow the described safety measures for handling of the product. Recommendations VELOSIT WP 120 is only available for professional applicators. Never add water to VELOSIT WP 120 when it has started to set. Stiffened material must be disposed. All described product features are determined under controlled laboratory conditions according to the relevant international standards. Values determined under job site conditions may deviate from the stated values. Velosit USA LLC warrants this product for a period of 1 year from the date of installation to be manufactured without defects and to be consistent with printed technical characteristics. Velosit USA LLC makes no warranty as to merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and this warranty is in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied. Please always use the latest version of this data sheet available from our websit e. E ffective date July 2014 Manufacturer VELOSIT GmbH & Co. KG Industriepark 7 32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg Germany


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