Weber Waterproofing solutions
High pressure resistant
Fast setting plugging mortar
Recomended products
Preparation of horizontal surfaces
• Substrate should be sound, clean, and free from dirt, dust,
paint and laitance.
• Loose parts should be removed while damaged parts should
be repaired using a non shrink mortar like weberep 331 TX
• All 90° angles should be chamfered by making a 50x50 mm
mortar angle fillet using a non shrink mortar like weberep 331
• A groove of 2x2 cm should be made around all pipes and
penetrations through the slab.
• Those grooves should be filled with a fast-setting expanding
plugging mortar, weberdry 150 BLC.
Preparation of vertical surfaces
• In order to be waterproofed, vertical elements should be free
from dust, laitance and oil. They should also be plane, and
• Honeycombs should be repaired by chiseling in order to
remove the laitance and filled with a non shrink thixotropic
mortar weberep 331 TX
• Tie rod holes should be filled using weberep 332 FR for diameter
< 20 mm or weberep 331 TX for above, and then patched
using epoxy paste weberep epo 412 CRY
• Protruding steel bars should be cut slightly deeper than the
surface and patched using epoxy paste weberep epo 412
• Make groove of 2x2 cm around all pipes and penetrations
through the slab.
• Fill those grooves with a fast setting expanding plugging mortar,
weberdry 150 BLC
weberep 331 TX weberep 332 FR weberep epo 412 CRY weberdry 150 BLC
Corner chamfered with weberep 331 TX
Waterproofing solut ions
or or or
Surface preparation before waterproofing
Product s selector guide
Area to waterproof Product to be used
Biflex PL
Biplas PL
weberdry SSP 50
weberdry RBE
weberdry 130 PR Grey/White
weberdry 110 FX
weberdry 370 BPU
weberdry RBV
weberdry crystal
Structural leakage (needs injection)
weberdry 600 i
weberdry 610i
weberep epo 650 i
weberep 660i
weberdry epo 660 i
Wet areas (bathrooms, kitchens…)
weberdry 110 FX
weberdry 130 PR Grey/White
weberdry 210 AFC
weberdry 360 PU/390 PU/370 BPU
Exposed roofs & terraces
Biflex SL
Biplas SL
weberdry 350 PU
weberdry 360 PU
Accessible roofs & terraces
Biflex PL
Biplas PL
weberdry 350 PU
weberdry 360 PU
weberdry 132 WB (stones)
weberpas deco 340
weberstone proof
weberdry protect
Façades under stone cladding
weberdry RBE
weberdry 130 PR grey/white
weberdry crystal
Planted Areas Biflex PL anti-root
weberdry 110 FX
Products selector by scope of use
Expansion joints and construction joints (swellbar & PVC waterstock)
Recommended products
PVC weberdry waterstop are recommended to stop leakage
positively through construction and expansion joints in concrete
structures. They are required whenever concreting is to be
made in 2 phases (between slab and slab or slab and wall or
wall and wall).They are installed within the reinforcing steel
before concreting. During concreting, one part is immersed in
concrete while the other is kept free until the second phase of
concreting takes place. They are made of flexible PVC and are
available in different sizes and types.
Swellable waterstops are recommended for construction joints.
They are present in two types:
weberdry swellbar is a mix of bentonite and butyl rubber, and
weberdry swellbar RB is a swellable waterstop in pure rubber.
They have the ability to expand in presence of water. The
expansion process is slow in time.
It starts after 4 hours, hence enabling the concrete to set.
They are present in different sizes, depending on the degree of
protection required.
Swellbar (SQ type) joint sealant are developed for use in both
fresh and sea water.
Application of swellable waterstops and PVC waterstops
• Uneven wet surfaces should be even, and hardened rough surfaces should be smoothened with
the appropriate grinding machine, to install the swellable waterstops.
• Use steel nails for fixing, a 25 to 30 cm interval is necessary between nails.
• PVC weberdry waterstop are tied to the reinforcement steel bars with steel wires through the
holes in the perforations in the waterstop.
• Overlap joints in the strips should be made at least 75 mm. Butt-joined is also acceptable but has
to be carefully stuck down with mastic.
weberdry waterstop weberdry swellbar weberdry swellbar RB
Case 1
or or
Sealing of construction &/or expansion joints
weber jointseal PU is a reliable low modulus polyurethane joint sealant, allowing a high degree of
elongation after stretching.
It recovers its performances and it is resistant to climatic ageing, rain, salt haze, ozone, ultra-violet
rays and atmospheric corrosion.
Product application
• The edge of the joint to be treated should be free from laitance, dirt, oil and grease.
• Using a grinding disc or any abrasive tool, clean the lateral surface of the joint
• Insert inside the joint a flexible backing rod having a diameter 5 mm bigger that the joint’s width.
• Place the backing rod at a depth not exceeding the joint’s width.
• Insert the sealant inside the dispenser gun and start filling the prepared joint.
• While filling use a knife to press fully the sealant on the lateral surface of the joint.
• Finish the surface of filling with the bottom curvature of a spoon dipped into a soap detergent.
weber jointseal PU
1- Waterstop
2- Steal strips
3- Reinforcement bars
4- Backing rod
5- weber jointseal PU
Sealants for joint width smaller than 30 mm
Recommended products
Sealants for joint width greater than 30 mm
Recommended products
weber seal PS 1000 GG/PG is a two part polysulphide high grade synthetic rubber sealant processing
outstanding resistance. It is specially used in areas subject to heavy foot and vehicle traffic where
abrasion resistant, flexible sealant is required.
weber seal PS 1000 GG/PG two part polysulphide can be supplied in pouring grade (PG) or gun grade
(GG) for sealing horizontal and vertical joints.
weber seal PS 1000 GG
(Gun grade)
Horizontal and vertical
Horizontal applications
weber seal PS 1000 PG
(Pouring grade)
1- Backing rod
2- weber seal PS 1000 PG/GG
3- Aluminium joint cover
4- Expansive backing rod
5- Bitumen membrane
Product application
• The edge of the joint to be treated has to be free from laitance, dirt, oil and grease.
• Using a grinding disc or any abrasive tool clean the lateral surface of the joint
• Insert inside the joint a flexible backing rod having a diameter 5 mm bigger that the joint width.
• Place the backing rod at a depth not exceeding the joint width.
• For horizontal applications, pour weber seal PS 1000 PG in the joint, or for weber seal PS 1000 GG,
insert the sealant inside the dispenser gun and start filling the prepared joint. In vertical applications,
it is hard to handle the pouring of weber seal PS 1000 PG, it is recommended to use weber seal PS
1000 GG for workability reasons.
• While filling, use a knife to press fully the sealant on the lateral surface of the joint.
Finish the surface with the bottom curvature of a spoon dipped into a soap detergent.
Waterproofing of raft foundations
Waterproofing of immersed underground structures requires permanent
dewatering during the execution phase and continues until the pressure
caused by the weight of the concrete structure exceeds the hydrostatic
pressure exerted by the water table.
The type of foundations designed for such structures is most of the
time raft foundation with or without piles, or a combination of raft
and pile caps, depending on the bearing capacity of the soil.
In such cases, the waterproofing is called tanking as it envelops completely
the structure from the bottom to the water table level and preferably
to the ground floor level. The waterproofing of the vertical part will
start only when the full foundation raft/pile caps are casted.
Pile head waterproofing
Recommended products
Product application
The head of the pile should protrude by 20 cm higher than the blinding level.
First, repair the pile head to provide a levelled and high strength capping.
Then finish pile capping with an epoxy mortar.
1- Blinding
2- Pile
3- Angle fillet
4- Geotextile
5- Bitumen membrane, double layer
6- Concrete repair, webertec 311 MC or webertec MC1
7- Pile capping, webertec epo 450 PC
8- Reinforcement bars
Case 2
webertec 311 MC webertec MC1 weberdry prime WB Biflex PL webertec epo 450 PC
or + + +
Raft foundations
Horizontal part of tanking under foundation
Recommended products
Waterproofing of the horizontal area under foundation should receive 2 layers of SBS waterproofing
membrane Biflex PL 4 mm loosely laid on the blinding and extended vertically to the full thickness
of the raft and/or the pile cap, the 2 layers of SBS are protected with a Geotextile white PET layed on
top of the double membrane.
Product application
The surface of the blinding should be dry, smooth, plane and free from
any obstacle that might puncture the waterproofing membrane.
• Lay the first layer of Biflex PL 4 mm over the blinding.
• Torch apply only the overlaps of 10 cm and end laps of 15 cm.
• Lay the second layer of Biflex PL 4 mm over the first layer and fully
torch it while unrolling. The second layer should stagger the first layer
in such a way that the center of the second layer should coincide over
the overlap of the first layer.
• Extend the 2 layers of waterproofing membranes Biflex PL 4 mm
vertically to the full thickness of raft / pile cap and exceed by 20 cm
above level in order to overlap with the vertical part of tanking behind
the structural walls.
Lay horizontally one layer of Geotextile white PET (250 g/m²) and cast a protection screed weberfloor
600 SCR or weberfloor easy 625 on horizontal parts and Proboard on vertical parts.
Biflex PL 4 mm Geotextile white PET weberfloor 600 SCR weberfloor easy 625
+ + or
A- Accessible areas
In order to be able to manipulate and apply the waterproofing system on retaining walls, workers
need a sufficient space. When this factor is available, the presence or absence of a water table will
guide us into choosing the proper waterproofing system.
A-1 In the presence of a water table
When a water table is present in the soil, pumping is a must in order to lower the tables level under
the level of the waterproofing to be executed.While execution, waterproofing is held continuously
until the finishing of works.
Bituminous membrane
Recommended products
When the structural wall is casted and the waterproofing is applied directly on the structural wall
after casting, this is called external tanking.
Product application
• As mentioned previously, substrate should be clean and repaired. After correspondent steps have
been respected, the waterproofing job can begin
• Primer: Apply weberdry prime WB a bituminous primer coat at the rate of : 150 to 250 g/m²
• Reinforcing Corner strip: Apply at all angles using a torch, a strip of plain bituminous membrane,
Biflex PL of 200 mm girth.
• Unroll from top to bottom the first layer of Biflex PL 4 mm while torching to the wall.
• Adjacent rolls should be unrolled and torched to the wall in a way to have at least 100 mm overlapping
in the length direction and 150 mm in the width direction.
• Torch apply each roll by melting its bottom face and laying it on the concrete surface. Make sure
that overlapped parts are fully melted and bonded.
• Seal the edge of the overlap by melting and pressing using a trowel.
• Overlap the first layer of the vertical part with the first layer extended from the horizontal part.
• Torch apply the second layer of the vertical part fully to the first layer.
The 2 layers should be staggered in a way that the center of the second layer should coincide with
weberdry prime WB weber jointseal PU + Gun
weber jointseal PU MC
Biflex PL Proboard
+ + + +
Case 3
Waterproofing of retaining walls
the overlap of the first layer.
• Seal the edge of the overlap by melting and pressing using a trowel.
• Overlap the second layer of the vertical part with the second layer extended from the horizontal
Waterproofing end detail
• Continue torching until the whole surface area is covered and the skirting is raised at least 10 cm
above the final finish level.
• Fix the top of the skirting using screws and washers by the mean of an aluminum strip of 10 cm
width (aluminum flashing) cut and bent to profile.
• Fill the groove provided in the aluminum flashing with polyurethane sealant “weber jointseal PU”
or “weber jointseal PU MC ” in order to completely seal the top of the skirting.
All vertical parts should be protected by building block-works in order to avoid damages during
Waterproofing of accessible areas
1- Blinding
2- Bitumen membrane, double layer
(Biflex PL)
3- Geotextile white PET
4- Raft
5- Angle fillet
6- Protection board (Proboard)
7- Aluminium flashing
8- weber jointseal PU or weber jointseal PU MC
9- Overlapping detail
A-2 In the absence of a water table
Moisture is always present in soils. In this case three waterproofing systems can be applied as
moisture barriers, in the absence of water table.
1- Bituminous membrane (Refer to A1)
2- Polyurethane liquid membranes
Recommended products
Surface preparation
All surfaces should be clean, dry, free from grease, oil or dust. Remove all loose material. Moisture
content should not exceed 5 %. New concrete should be at least 28 days old.
All cracks and expansion joints should be sealed with weber jointseal PU or weber jointseal PU MC
at least 2 days before application of weberdry 360 PU.
Product application
Brittle substrate must be primed with weberdry prime 310 PU.
On stable, sound and well prepared concrete surfaces, weberdry 360 PU diluted with 5 % of xylene
may be used as a primer coat.
The prime coat should be left to dry for 2 to 3 hours.
Apply the first layer of weberdry 360 PU by roller, brush or airless spray with a film thickness of 0.5
mm. Do not apply more than 0.5 mm / layer. Equipments and tools are to be cleaned with xylene
before polymerization.
weber jointseal PU
weber jointseal PU MC
weberep 331 TX weberdry prime 310 PU weberdry 360 PU
+ + +
3- Cementitious membrane
Recommended products
Surface preparation
Remove dust, oil and any remaining non-adherent particules using grinders and fresh water. The
substrate must be sound and clean. Honeycombs should be edged and then repaired with
weberep 350 NSG, large holes and defections must be chiseled and repaired with weberep 331 TX.
Cracks are treated and laped with either weberep 331 TX or weberep 350 NSG depending on their
Product preparation
Mix the two components of weberdry 110 FX using a mechanical mixer in order to obtain a creamy
coating which is applied by brush.
Product application
Apply the first layer of weberdry 110 FX with sufficient thickness to plug pores, cracks and holes at
1 kg/m².
Apply second and third layers in the proportion of 0.5 to 1 kg/m².
Always allow to dry between a layer and the other. All reinforced with a 20 cm wide fiberglass mesh
between the first and second layer.
High pressure resistant
Fast setting plugging mortar
Flexible high
طلاء إسمنتي عازل coating waterproof
dry ٍ للماء مرن وذو أداء عال
110 FX
weberep 331 TX weberep 350 NSG weberdry 110 FX
+ +
B-Inaccessible areas
In some cases, areas behind retaining walls are inaccessible what makes it impossible to apply the
waterproofing system on the retaining wall, rather apply it on the vertical surface of the excavation,
after it has been shotcreted.
Bituminous membrane on anchored shotcrete
Recommended products
When the space between excavation and structural wall is too narrow and the waterproofing is
applied on the excavation side before casting the structural wall, this is called internal tanking.
Surface preparation
Recommended products
Excavation walls on which waterproofing membrane is to be applied should be stable, solid and
plane surface.
Stability is insured either vertically before excavation, by anchoring piles/secant piles/diaphragm
wall or horizontally during the excavation phases by casting temporary beams anchored inside the
soil with inclined postensioning cables.
Solid and plane surface is obtained by shotcreting the whole vertical surface or by building straight
The following preparation should be observed:
• Voids or Honeycombs should be filled using non shrink mortar weberep 331 TX
• Protruding anchors should be cut and filled with epoxy mortar weberep epo 412 CRy
• Source of water leakage should be stopped by plugging instant setting mortar weberdry 150 BLC
weberep 331 TX weberep epo 412 CRY weberdry 150 BLC
weberdry prime WB weber jointseal PU + Gun
weber jointseal PU MC
Biflex PL Proboard
+ + +
+ +
Fast setting
plugging mortar
ملاط إسمنتي
BLC 150 dryّ ساد سريع الجفاف
High pressure resistant
Fast setting plugging mortar
1- Blinding
2- Primer
weberdry prime WB
Bitumen membrane, double layer
(Biflex PL)
3- Geotextile white PET
4- Raft
5- Angle fillet
6- Shotcrete
7- Aluminium flashing
8- weber jointseal PU or weber jointseal PU MC
9- Overlapping detail
Product application
• Prepare the surface as mentioned in surface preparation.
• Primer: Apply weberdry prime WB, a bituminous primer coat at the rate of 150 to 250 g/m²
• Reinforcing Corner strip: Apply at all angles using a torch, a strip of plain bituminous membrane,
Biflex PL of 200 mm girth.
• Unroll from top to bottom the first layer of Biflex PL 4 mm while torching to the wall.
• Adjacent rolls should be unrolled and torched to the wall in a way to have at least 100 mm overlapping in the length direction and 150 mm in the width direction.
• Torch apply each roll by melting its bottom face and laying it on the concrete surface.
Make sure that overlapped parts are fully melted and bonded.
• Seal the edge of the overlap by melting and pressing using a trowel.
• Overlap the first layer of the vertical part with the first layer extended from the horizontal part.
• Torch apply the second layer of the vertical part fully to the first layer.
The 2 layers should be staggered in a way that the center of the second layer should coincide with
the overlap of the first layer.
• Seal the edge of the overlap by melting and pressing using a trowel.
• Overlap the second layer of the vertical part with the second layer extended from the horizontal
• Extend the 2 layers of waterproofing membranes by 20 cm above the finished level.
Waterproofing of inaccessible areas
Cracked structures
Recommended products
For instant leakage stopping, a PU injection foam is recommended.
weberdry 610 i is a low viscosity water reactive polyurethane injection composed of a resin
component and a catalyst. To stop leakage and form a permanent elastic membrane, inject
weberdry 600 i , a flexible water sealing 2 component polyurethane resin that reacts with water to
form a hydrophobic seal.
weberdry 600 i reacts in wet or dry cracks and joints. When weberdry 600 i comes in contact with
water, it reacts into a flexible seal.
Product application •
Drill a hole in the concrete at 45 degree angle in order to intersect the crack or the leaking
construction joint.
• Place the bore packer inside the hole and tighten firmly in order to prevent the resin from escaping. The
distance between each packer should not be more than the thickness of the structural member. The injection
bore packer is designed with non-return valve in order to prevent resin from escaping during injection.
• Injection bore packers should be placed and distant equally.
• The injection requires the use of an injection device.
Mix the 2 components of weberdry 610 i and place in the container reserved in the injection machine.
• Place the nozzle of injection hose inside the bore packer nipple.
• Start injection and continue while the weberdry 610 i is transformed into foam.
• Stop injection when the pressure gauge reaches 75% of its highest value.
• Remove the injection hose and shift to next bore packer and restart injecting weberdry 610 i.
• When all the bore packers are injected, repeat the same process using weberdry 600 i.
Case 3
weberdry 600 i weberep 610 i
Negative side waterproofing
Stuctures exposed to negative hydrostatic pressure
Recommended products
Surface preparation
• Surfaces to be treated must be thoroughly inspected. The concrete surface must be cleaned and
free from oil, grease, paint, loose dust, mud and laitance.
Horizontal surfaces should not have curing agents or hardeners applied prior to the application of
weberdry crystal.
• Honeycombs should be hacked off to expose the concrete. All dripping and loose particles should
be removed, clean surface with water before repairing.
• Ensure all concrete surfaces are hosed down with water as moistures must be present in the
capillaires prior to the application of weberdry crystal. New concrete must be at least 3 days old
before it should be treated.
• Do an angle fillet of 25 mm x 25 mm at all junctions between slabs and walls with weberep 331 TX,
after making a V groove on all these junctions.
• If surfaces are too smooth, the concrete should be acid etched lightly sandblasted or waterblasted.
• In case of water leakage, an injection is performed through the leaking craks or plugging mortar
into leaking holes.
Product preparation
Mix each 25 kg of weberdry crystal with approx 7.5 liters of cool water and stir thoroughly for at least
3 minutes into a flowable thick consistant slurry. The mixture should be used within half an hour,
after which time it will start to thicken. Never add extra water to restore workability.
Product application
• After insuring that the surface is moist without being visibly wet, apply weberdry crystal using a
brush or broom with fine bristles.
• 2 coats at 0.5 kg/m² per coat are normally required. The coats are installed in 2 passes.
• When the first applied coat is in tacking condition, the second coat is applied with a counter cross
application to the first.
• Hose down the entire surface of the treated area twice a day for at least one day.
• Protect it from sunlight, frost, wind and rain for 5 to 7 days.
weberdry crystal weberdry 150 BLC weberep 331 TX
+ + Fast setting
plugging mortar
ملاط إسمنتي
BLC 150 dryّ ساد سريع الجفاف
High pressure resistant
Fast setting plugging mortar
Depending on the area of use and the level of flexibility required Weber-Sodamco recommends 3
different waterproofing systems:
A-Flexible cementitious waterproofing
Recommended products
weberdry 110 FX is a 2-component flexible cement based
waterproofing composed of one bag of powder and one pail
of polymer liquid. Once applied and fully dry, weberdry 110 FX
can receive directly the tile adhesive for fixing tiles.
• Prepare the surface as mentioned in surface preparation
• Mix the 2 components of weberdry 110 FX thoroughly until a
homogenous mix is obtained.
• Let is rest for 2 minutes and apply by roller or paint brush the
first coat by starting around angles and pipes penetrations.
• Reinforce those angles and pipe penetrations with fiberglass
laid on the wet applied coat.
• Allow to dry and apply a second coat by roller or paint brush
making sure to cover the entire area.
B-Acrylic waterproofing
Recommended products
weberdry gum is a ready to use acrylic base yellow-colored paste that turns into a durable.
weberdry gum is designed for under tile use in demanding internal & external waterproofing
applications that do not experience water pressures.
Properly applied, cures to form a durable, elastic seamless, and odorless membrane that will not reemulsify once it has fully cured even if continually immersed in water. It has a good resistance to
Case 4
weberdry 110 FX
weber.joint weber.dry 110 FX
weber.col plus
Waterproof.150 BLC
Conrep.331 TX Floortop.600 SCR
Cementitious waterproofing
weberdry gum weber band
Waterproofing of wet areas
High pressure resistant
Fast setting plugging mortar
Flexible high
cement-base waterproof coating عازل إسمنتي طلاء
ٍ للماء مرن وذو أداء عال
110 FX
alkalis, salt solutions & diluted acids, non hazardous composition with excellent strength & flexible
• Mix thoroughly the content of the pail until an homogenous yellow liquid is obtained.
• Apply the first coat by roller, starting around the corners and pipes penetration.
• While the first coat is still tacky, apply strips of weber band around corners and pipes penetrations.
• Once the first coat is cured, apply the second coat to cover the entire area.
C-Polyurethane waterproofing
Recommended products
weberdry 360 PU is a one component, liquid applied waterproofing that turns into a seamless membrane once cured.
When applied, weberdry 360 PU creates a continuous watertight seal.
It has excellent adhesion to almost any surface: concrete, metal, bitumen membranes, acrylic paints.
It keeps outstanding performances for a very long period. weberdry 360 PU maintains its properties
with a service temperature from -30°C to +90°C.
weberdry 390 PU is a black one component liquid applied waterproofing that turns into a seamless
membrane once cured.
weberdry 390 PU remains highly and permanently elastic, used for long lasting waterproofing.
Polyurethane waterproofing
weber.joint Waterproof.360 PU
weber.col plus
Waterproof.310 PU primer Jointseal.PU
Floortop.600 SCR
weberdry prime 310 PU weberdry 360 PU or weberdry 390 PU
Recommended products
As mentioned previously, the substrate should be clean and repaired. After correspondent steps
have been respected, the waterproofing job can begin.
1- Waterproofing with bituminous sheet membranes
Biflex SL is a SBS modified bituminous membrane, torch applied, recommended for use in regions
where temperatures might drop below +5°C.
Biplas SL is an APP bituminous membrane, torch applied, recommended for use in hot to moderate regions.
They are reinforced with 180 g/m² of polyester and have their surface slated with mineral aggregates.
They are supplied in rolls of 10 m length and 1 m width.
Care should be taken for the stacking of materials on the roof. The rolls should be dispersed uniformly.
They should be stored standing up. Any horizontal stacking of bituminous membranes on top of each other, might
damage the materials, especially under sun heat.
Product application
• Prepare the surface as mentioned in the "surface preparation" paragraph.
• Primer: Apply weberdry prime WB, a bituminous primer coat at the rate of 150 to 250 g/m²
• Reinforcing Corner strip: Apply at all angles, using a torch, a strip of plain bituminous membrane,
Biflex PL or Biplas PL of 200 mm girth.
• Horizontal membrane (Biflex SL or Biplas SL): Unroll the first roll at the lowest area starting from the
drain location.
• The second roll as well as the following ones should be unrolled in
a way to have at least 100 mm overlapping in the length direction
and 150 mm in the width direction.
• Torch apply each roll by melting its bottom face and laying it on
the concrete surface. Make sure that overlapped parts are fully
melted and bonded.
• Seal the edge of the overlap by melting and pressing using a trowel.
• Continue torching until the whole surface area is covered and the
skirting is raised at least 10 cm above the final finish level.
• Fix the top of the skirting using screws and washers by the mean
of an aluminum strip of 10 cm width (Aluminum flashing) cut and bent to profile.
N.B. In case of double bituminous membrane waterproofing system the first layer should be Biplas PL or Biflex PL.
weberdry prime WB weber jointseal PU + Gun
weber jointseal PU - MC
Biflex SL Biplas SL Aluminium flashing
Case 5
+ + + or
Waterproofing of exposed roofs
• Fill the groove provided in the aluminum flashing with a polyurethane sealant, weber jointseal PU,
or weber jointseal PU - MC in order to completely seal the top of the skirting.
N.B. For enhanced protection, 2 layers of waterproofing membranes are recommended: Biplas PL or Biflex PL as first layer topped
with Biplas SL or Biflex SL for exposed roofs. Make sure that the middle of the 2nd layer will come on top of the first layer’s
2- Waterproofing with polyurethane liquid membranes
Recommended products
weberdry 350 PU are 1-component liquid applied liquid membranes made of polyurethane, specially designed for UV resistance. Once cured, they form a flexible, resilient and seamless waterproofing
They maintain their properties with a service temperature from -40°C to +90°C.
Product application
• Prepare the surface as mentioned in surface preparation.
• Apply one coat of primer weberdry prime 310 PU before application of weberdry 350 PU.
• Application of weberdry 350 PU
• Mix thoroughly the content of the pail before starting application.
• Apply by roller a strip of 10 cm wide over all cracks and corners.
• While it is still tacky un-roll 10 cm wide fiberglass over the wet strip.
• Apply the first coat by roller or appropriate airless spraying gun over the entire horizontal area at
the rate of 1 kg/m².
• Once the first layer is dry and not later than 24 hours, apply a second coat at the rate of 1 kg/m²
• Extend the application over the skirting by 10 cm above the finished level.
weberdry prime 310 PU weberdry 350 PU
Case 6
1-a Waterproofing with bituminous sheet membranes
Recommended products
Biflex PL is a SBS modified bituminous membrane, torch applied, recommended for use in cold regions
where temperatures might drop below 5°C
Biplas PL is an APP bituminous membrane, torch applied, recommended for use in hot to moderate
regions. They are reinforced with 180 g/m² of polyester and have a plane surface.
They are supplied in rolls of 10 m length and 1 m width.
Care should be taken for the stacking of materials on the roof. The rolls should be dispersed uniformly.
They should be stored standing up. Any horizontal stacking of bituminous membranes on top of each anothers,
might damage the materials, especially under sun heat.
Product application
• Prepare the surface as mentioned in surface preparation.
• Primer: Apply weberdry prime WB, a bituminous primer coat at the rate of: 150 to 250 g/m²
• Reinforcing Corner strip: Apply at all angles, using a torch, a strip of plain bituminous membrane,
Biflex PL or Biplas PL of 200 mm girth.
• Horizontal membrane (Biflex PL or Biplas PL): Unroll the first roll at the lowest area starting from
the drain location.
• The second roll and the following ones should be unrolled in a way to have at least 100 mm overlapping
in the length direction and 150 mm in the width direction.
• Torch apply each roll by melting its bottom face and laying it on the concrete surface. Make sure
that overlapped parts are fully melted and bonded.
• Seal the edge of the overlap by melting and pressing using a trowel.
• Continue torching until the whole surface area is covered and the skirting is raised at least 10 cm
above the final finish level.
• Fix the top of the skirting using screws and washers by the mean of an Aluminum strip of 10 cm
width (aluminum flashing) cut and bent to profile.
• Fill the groove provided in the aluminum flashing with Polyurethane sealant “weber jointseal PU”
in order to completely seal the top of the skirting.
• Protection:
- Second layer of bituminous membrane should be slated
- Or lay Geotextile white PET above which you will spread a gravel bed of minimum 5 cm.
N.B. For enhanced protection, 2 layers of Biflex PL or 2 layers of Biplas PL are recommended. Make sure that the middle of the
2nd layer will come on top of the first layer’s overlapping.
weberdry prime WB Biflex PL Biplas PL Aluminium flashing weber jointseal PU + Gun
+ + + or
Waterproofing of accessible roofs & terraces
1-b Waterproofing with polyurethane liquid membranes
Recommended products
weberdry 360 PU is a 1-component liquid applied liquid membrane made of polyurethane specially
designed for waterproofing of roofs which will be protected with tiles or screed. Once cured, it forms a
flexible, resilient and seamless waterproofing membrane.
They maintain their properties with service temperature from -30°C to + 90°C.
Product application
• Prepare the surface as mentioned in surface preparation and prime with weberdry prime 310 PU.
• Mix thoroughly the content of the pail of weberdry 360 PU before starting application.
• Apply by roller a strip of 10 cm wide over all cracks and corners.
• While it is still tacky un-roll 10 cm wide fiberglass over the wet strip.
• Apply the first coat by roller or appropriate airless spraying gun over the entire horizontal area at
the rate of 1.0 kg/m².
• Once the first layer is dry and not later than 24 hours, apply a second coat at the rate of 1 kg/m².
Extend the application over the skirting by 10 cm above the finished level.
weberdry prime 310 PU weberdry 360 PU
2- Protection
2-a Soft protection
Recommended products
A protection is called soft when gravels or pebbles are spread over the horizontal waterproofing
membranes to an average thickness of 5 cm. (to be applied only for rooftops lower than 15 m height)
An underlay of Geotextile white PET should precede the spreading of gravels in order to avoid puncturing
of the waterproofing membranes placed underneath and separate it from the gravels / ballast.
2-b Hard protection
Recommended products
A protection is called hard when the waterproofing membrane is covered with tiles. There are two
ways to proceed with hard protection:
• Loosely laid tiles are concrete tiles of sizes around 40x40 cm and 3 to 4 cm thick. They are laid
loose over the soft protection described above.
• Mortar laid tiles are tiles laid over a bed of cement mortar like webercol floor (Carromortar) range,
eliminating the gravels described in the soft protection while keeping the geotextile as separation
and protection layer.
• Expansion joint of 2 cm wide should be provided in bays of 3x3 m and filled with weber jointseal
PU or weber jointseal PU MC.
N.B. In case of hard protection it is recommended to replace the Primer of the horizontal area with a separation layer made of
Fiberglass mesh. Hence, torching of membrane will occur only over the overlaps in order to provide a fully independent system.
Geotextile white PET Gravel 5 cm
webercol floor weber jointseal PU + Gun weber jointseal
Fiberglass mesh
+ + or
2-c Thermally insulated roofs and terraces
(Inverted roofing system)
Recommended products
In case of thermal insulation is required, use extruded polystyrene (XPS) of thickness depending on
the amount of thermal conduction (U-value) designed.
In all cases the XPS boards of a density around 30 to 35 kg/m³ have to be used. They are laid and
staggered over the waterproofing membrane.
An underlay of Geotextile white PET should precede the laying of XPS in order to play the role of
separation layer.
Geotextile white PET XPS board
Recommended products
1- Natural stone façades
Joints between stones
• Mortar filled joints between natural stones should be checked.
Cracked joints or loose parts should be removed and replaced
with ready to use filling mortar weberjoint perfect or webercal stone of a color to architect’s choice.
• All joints surrounding windows and doors should be filled with
weber jointseal PU, or weber jointseal PU - MC a polyurethane
• Wash the area to receive the water repellent with a water jet to
remove all dust, laitance, or any foreign materials.
Application of a water-repellent product on the stones
weberdry 132 WB is a ready-to-use surface waterproofer made of siliconate, intended to leave a
colorless, hydrophobic coat on inorganic construction materials. The product has a strong penetration
into the material because of its low molecular weight.
• Allow the washed surface to dry for 2 to 3 days.
• Apply first coat of weberdry 132 WB or weberdry protect by
roller on the entire area to cover, and within a limited period of
time (10 to 30 min) depending on ambient temperature.
• If the first coat is fully absorbed by the pores, apply a second
coat. If not, stop application.
• If the second coat is fully absorbed by the pores of the surface
apply a third coat. If not stop application.
• The second and third coat must be applied before the previous
layer is totally dry (wet on wet).
• Continue until the complete surface has absorbed weberdry
132 WB or weberdry protect. Do not overcoat.
N.B. Substrate should be put through all necessary tests, substrate should be porous, not treated or manipulated with and dry
while application.
weber jointseal PU + Gun
weber jointseal PU - MC
webercal stone weberdry protect
weberjoint perfect
or weberjoint deco
Weberdry 132 WB
Case 7
+ + or or
Waterproofing of façades
Recommended products
2- Plastered facades
weberpas deco 340 is a highly elastic (400% elasticity) semi-fluid acrylic paste rich in polymer
resins. Applied in a thick coat, it provides a flexible waterproof coating for pitched roofs & facades,
allowing the product to follow the tension / expansion cycles of the substrate.
weberpas deco 340 shows an exceptional resistance to extreme weather conditions.
weberpas deco 340 forms a protective and decorative membrane with permanent elasticity and
excellent adhesion. It is non-toxic and environmentally friendly. It is supplied in 5 and 18 kg plastic
pails. Different colors are available.
Surface preparation
• Make sure that the plaster on the facade is sound and free from cracks, oil or laitance.
• Scroll a metal piece (hammer or chain) over the plastered façade in order to check the presence
of any blistering.
• Using a marker pen, surround the area where an hollow sound is heard.
• Break the marked area and re-plaster, using the appropriate Weber-Sodamco premixed plaster
product, after application of the premix rush coat product for the correspondent substrate.
• Cracks wider than 1 mm should be cut, opened and filled with weber jointseal PU, or weber jointseal
PU - MC a flexible polyurethane sealant.
• Cracks smaller than 1 mm should be reinforced with fiberglass tape.
Product application
• Prime the substrate by applying weberpas PR 339 evenly,
using a brush, roller or small broom, at least one day before
application of weberpas deco 340.
• Stir thoroughly before and during the use of weberpas
deco 340.
• Apply the first coat of weberpas deco 340 using a cotton
• Apply a second coat, in the same way as the first one.
• Apply third coat if necessary.
• Thinning is unnecessary, but if required to obtain desired application properties, a small amount of clean water not more
than 0.5 liter/ 18 Kg pail may be added.
Premixed rush coat Premixed plaster weber jointseal PU + Gun weberpas PR 339 weberpas deco 340
weber jointseal PU - MC
+ + +
Recommended products
Surface preparation
As mentioned previously, substrate should be clean and repaired. After correspondent steps have
been respected, the waterproofing job can begin.
Biflex PL antiroot 4 mm is a 4 mm thick, waterproofing membrane torch applied made of SBS
Bitumen modified with anti-root additives. It is reinforced with 180 g/m² of non woven polyester. It is
supplied by rolls of 10 m x 1 m.
Product application
• Prepare the floor and wall surfaces as mentioned in surface preparation
• Apply one coat of bituminous primer:
weberdry prime WB, at a rate 150 to 250 grs/m².
• Fully torch the first layer of Biflex PL antiroot 4 mm with 100 mm side lap and 150 mm end lap.
• Fully torch the second layer with staggered joints above the first layer of Biflex PL antiroot 4 mm as
• Apply one layer of a Geotextile white PET of 200 to 250 grs/m².
• Lay a bed of Pebble round gravels of 100 mm thickness.
• Apply another layer of Geotextile white PET of 200 to 250 grs/m².
• Fix the top of the membrane skirting using screws and washers by the mean of an Aluminum strip
of 10 cm width (aluminum flashing) cut and bent to profile.
• Fill the groove provided in the aluminum flashing with Polyurethane sealant “weber jointseal PU” in
order to completely seal the top of the skirting.
Case 8
+ + + +
weberdry prime WB Aluminium
Biflex PL
antiroot 4 mm
weber jointseal PU
weber jointseal PU - MC + Gun
Geotextile white PET
Waterproofing of planted areas
Detailed waterproofing system for planted areas
150 mm
9 7 6 5 4 2 3 1
Concrete deck
Screed to slope, 100 mm average thickness
One coat of bituminous primer type : weberdry prime WB at a rate of 250-300 grs/m²
First layer of root-resistant waterproofing membrane self-protected with green slate granule
type: Biflex PL anti-root 4 mm
Second layer of root-resistant waterproofing membrane self-protected with green slate
granule type : Biflex PL anti-root 4 mm
Draining layer - gravels 25/25
Filter layer, non-woven Geotextile white PET
Sweet soil of 300 mm thick minimum
Angle filler 50 mm x 50 mm type weberep 331 TX
Concrete upstand
Recommended products
This case/solution is valid for drinking and non-drinking water tanks either with new or old concrete.
In both cases, a waterproofing system needs to be applied in order to protect the concrete and
prevent any leakage of the contained liquid.
Surface preparation
Remove dust, oil and any remaining particles using grinders
and fresh water only. The substrate must be sound and clean.
Presence of holes
Mostly in new built watertanks, holes will appear caused by
molding or else. Such holes must be clean and damp. Use
weberdry 150 BLC - a fast setting plugging mortar and keep it
moist for a period of 15 min. If any cracks are present, they can
be treated the same way.
weberep 331 TX weberdry 150 BLC weberep 350 NSG Fiberglass mesh weberdry 110 FX
weber.dry 110 FX
Fiberglass mesh
weber.rep 331 TX
weber.dry 150 BLC
weber.dry 150 BLC
weber.dry 150 BLC
weber.rep 331 TX
weber.rep 350 NSG
Watertank treatment
Case 9
+ + + +
Watertank treatment
Fast setting
ملاط إسمنتي mortar plugging
BLC 150 dryّ ساد سريع الجفاف
High pressure resistant
Fast setting plugging mortar
High pressure resistant
Fast setting plugging mortar
Flexible high
طلاء إسمنتي عازل coating waterproof
dry ٍ للماء مرن وذو أداء عال
110 FX
In some new built watertanks, honeycombing may be found
after concrete pouring or pumping. Honeycombing areas must
be cleaned by removing all damaged concrete and existing
laitance. Damp the concerned areas with water and use
weberep 350 NSG for filling the cracks.
Big holes and damaged concrete
In the case of large holes or damaged concrete in old or new
water tanks, all damaged areas must be chiseled, cleaned and
damped with fresh water. weberep 331 TX is to be applied in
one or two layers depending on the depth of holes.
Joints treatment
All joints between vertical walls and the ground must be treated by creating a groove of 2 cm depth
and 2 cm width and reconstitute on the 90o corner an angle curve form in an appropriate thickness
with a non-shrink thixotropic mortar like weberep 331 TX, at least 3 days before the application of
weberdry 110 FX. In case it is impossible to have a curve form, open a groove of 2 x 2 cm or 3 x 3 cm,
clean it and damp it with fresh water then fill it with weberdry 150 BLC.
Waterproofing layers
After ensuring that all the above steps have been maintained, the watertank is ready to receive the
final product, weberdry 110 FX, a cementitious waterproofing membrane.
Apply the 1st layer of weberdry 110 FX with sufficient thickness (1 kg/m²) with a brush or a roller :
• Fix 20 cm width of Fiberglass mesh on all corners, joints and cracks while the waterproofing layer
is still wet
• When dry, apply the 2nd and 3rd layer of weberdry 110 FX in proportion of 0.5 - 1 kg/m²
• Application should be in two to three crossed layers with a minimum thickness of 2 mm.
Case 10
Waterproofing of swimming pools
Recommended products
Surface preparation
Remove dust, oil and any remaining particles using grinders
and fresh water only. The substrate must be sound and clean.
Presence of holes
Mostly in new built watertanks, holes will appear caused by molding or else. Such holes must be
clean and damp. Use weberdry 150 BLC - a fast setting plugging mortar and keep it moist for a
period of 15 min. If any cracks are present, they can be treated the same way.
In some new built watertanks, honeycombing may be found after concrete pouring or pumping.
Honeycombing areas must be cleaned by removing all damaged concrete and existing laitance.
Damp the concerned areas with water and use weberep 350 NSG for filling the cracks.
Big holes and damaged concrete
In the case of large holes or damaged concrete in old or new
water tanks, all damaged areas must be chiseled, cleaned and
damped with fresh water. weberep 331 TX is to be applied in
one or two layers depending on the depth of holes.
Joints treatment
All joints between vertical walls and the ground must be treated by creating a groove of 2 cm depth
and 2 cm width and reconstitute on the 90o corner an angle curve form in an appropriate thickness
with a non-shrink thixotropic mortar like weberep 331 TX, at least 3 days before the application of
weberdry 110 FX. In case it is impossible to have a curve form, open a groove of 2 x 2 cm or 3 x 3 cm,
clean it and damp it with fresh water then fill it with weberdry 150 BLC.
The substrate of the concrete walls must be aligned in order
to have the tiles fixed therefore plastering work is to be applied
after repairing work. Apply one coat of weberpremix key coat
on thickness of 2 to 6 mm manually or by using a Tyrolienne
spraying device. For a better curing, keep spraying water twice
a day. After 3 days of the curing process, apply one single
layer of weberpremix fiber. Thickness can reach 15 mm and
carry additional 3 days of curing. In case more thickness is required to achieve the alignment, then
weberdry 150 BLC weberep 331 TX weberpremix fiber weberdry 110 FX webercol flex weberepox easy weberjoint perfect
+ + + + + High pressure resistant
or Fast setting plugging mortar
Flexible high
طلاء إسمنتي عازل coating waterproof
dry ٍ للماء مرن وذو أداء عال
110 FX
Fast setting
plugging mortar
BLC 150 dryّ ساد سريع الجفاف ملاط إسمنتي
High pressure resistant
Fast setting plugging mortar
scratch the finishing coat and apply another one following the previous steps.
The concrete floor has to be aligned as well, by using floor
screed weberfloor 600 SCR. Mix 50 kg of weberfloor 600 SCR
with 5.5 liters of fresh water and pour the mixed product onto
the floor and spread it with a steel trowel for a thickness up
to 50 mm. Control joints in the existing substrate should be
respected. For large areas, joints should be created every 25
m². Avoid fast drying in case of hot temperature or wind by
regular curing process.
Waterproofing layers
After assuring that all the above steps have been maintained, the swimmig pool is ready to receive
the final product in the cement waterproofing system, weberdry 110FX - the flexible high performance
product is to be used in 3 layers:
• 1st layer with sufficient thickness 0.5kg/m²:
- Use a brush or a roller.
- Fix 20 cm width of fiber mesh on all corners, joints and cracks
while the waterproofing layer is still wet.
• When dry, apply the 2nd and 3rd layer in proportions of 0.5-1
It is recommended that the tiling start one week from the
application of weberdry 110 FX.When needed flood test on weberdry 110 FX can be carried out prior
tiles fixing. Allow one week curing before flood test.
Walls and floor of the swimming pool are ready to receive the final step of this system. The tiles are
to be fixed by using webercol flex as follows:
- Mix the two components of webercol flex by pouring the
powder in the liquid progressively while stirring the liquid. An
electric mixer with low rotation speed (< 300 rpm) can be used.
Mix until a uniform lump free paste is obtained.
- Apply webercol flex evenly on the substrate. Use a notched
trowel to have the required thickness. Apply the tiles on the
substrate and press them firmly, while making sure that the paste does not slip from the tile sides.
webercol flex can also be applied on the back of tiles to ensure full adhesion on the entire surface.
After the fixation of tiles, all the area must be cleaned with
fresh water and kept untouched for 24 hours in order to allow
the tiling to be set, then all the tiles joints should be filled with
weberepox easy or weberjoint perfect. Apply weberepox easy
or weberjoint perfect with a rubber spatula into the joints by
filling all the gaps. Remove surplus grout with a damp sponge.
Use the product within its pot life,after mixing. When the grout is dry, clean the tiles with a dry cloth.
Technical data sheets (TDS)
• Product description
• Scope of use
• Technical characteristics
• Surface preparation
• Product preparation
• Application
• Packaging
• Storage
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
• Identification
• Composition
• Hazards
• First-aid measures
• Handling and storage
• Physical and chemical properties
• Ecological information
Personal Protective Equipment
It is suggested that the following list of equipment is adopted as a minimum requirement
- Protective overalls
- Good quality gloves
- Googles
- Face mask
- Safety boots
- Safety jacket
col tile white Tile Fixing
PRODUCT col tile is a ready-mix cement-based tile adhesive with
additives that improve the bonding and water resistance. col tile is water resistant and has a strong bonding effect
on vertical and horizontal application. For external use, it is
recommended to consult our technical department for further
instructions and recommendations.
SCOPE OF USE col tile col tile
can fix a wide range of ceramic tiles.
can be used to tile directly onto the following
• Concrete
• Stone walls (cleaned and prepared)
• Cementitious plaster and renders
Gypsum substrates are not advisable.
weber.col fix can be used for tiling in:
• Bathrooms • Kitchens • Terraces
• Regular rooms • Stairs
Appearance Powder
Composition Cement, siliceous sand
and additives
Color White
Density 1.55 kg/lit. ± 0.05
Open Time 15 min. at 20°C
Pot Life 2 hrs at 20°C
Resistance to slip Excellent
Shelf Life 12 months
Mixing Ratio 4 to 4.5 lit. per 20 kg
Coverage 3 to 7 kg/m²
VOC and formaldehyde None (<10µg/l)
content ISO/FDIS
Service Temperature -20°C to +70°C
Test for EN 12004:2007
Open Time by Tensile Adhesion 5 minutes 0.77
acc. EN 1346:2007 (N/mm²)
Tensile Adhesion Strength Con A 0.8
acc. EN 1348:2007 (N/mm²) Con B 0.8
Tensile Adhesion Strength Con C 0.5
acc. EN 1348:2007 (N/mm²) Con D 0.9
* Con A - 28 days standards conditions
* Con B - 7 days standard condition + 21 days water immersion
* Con C - 14 days standard condition + 14 days at 70˚C
* Con D - 7 days standard condition, 21 days water immersion,
25 freeze/Thaw cycles
* Standard Condition - (50 ± 5)% Relative Humidity& 23 (± 2)˚C
Test for ANSI A118.4
Shear strength (N/mm²) 7 days standard 0.7
F-5.3.2 & F-5.3.3 conditions
28 days standard 1.05
BS 5980:1980 as Class A Type 1.
EN 1346, EN 1348, ANSI A118.4, EN 12004
Substrate must be clean and free from greasy matters or
dust. It should have been sufficiently cured in a way that any
shrinkage has already occurred.
Moisten slightly the substrate if it is dry at the time of
application, never moisten the tiles.
Mix col tile in the proportion of 4 to 4.5 liters of clean
cool water per 20 kg bag. An electric mixer with low rotation
speed (< 300 rpm) can be used. Mix until a uniform lump free
paste is obtained. Let the paste rest for a few minutes before
starting the application.
1/2 Technical data sheet . Edition: 12.16-A
Cementitious tile adhesive
Leb Syria Jordan UAE Qatar Kuwait KSA Oman
- - - - - 20 kg - -
Apply col tile evenly on the substrate. Use a notched
trowel to have a uniform thickness according to the size of
the tile. Apply the tiles on the substrate and press them
firmly, while making sure that the paste does not slip from
the tile sides. col tile can also be applied on the back of
tiles to ensure full adhesion on the entire surface. In case
exceptional performance is required, each bag of 20 kg of col tile should be mixed with 1 liter 225 MB
(styrene butadiene latex bonding agent) + 3 liters clean
Clean the tools with water after use. Cured materials can
only be removed mechanically.
Apply col tile on the substrate by areas of around 1m²
each, which can be tiled within a maximum of 15 minutes
from application time at 20°C. After that time, an outer skin
may form thus preventing the tile from adhering properly to col tile. Adjustments to the tiles should only be made
during its open time. It is recommended to leave a minimum
width of 2 mm around the tiles (or as designed). Grouting the
tile joints should only be done at least 24 hours after tiling,
using weber.joint perfect or weber.joint (Carrojoint).
12 months after manufacturing date in original and non-open
packaging, under cover, in dry condition, away from humidity,
protected from extreme temperatures and direct sunlight.
The product contains cement powders which, when mixed
with water, release alkalis that could be harmful to the skin. It
is preferable that the application be done in a ventilated
area, and to wear protective gear for hands, eyes and
respiratory system and to avoid breathing of the dust.
Splashes on the skin should be washed away by cleaning
thoroughly with soap and water. In case of contact with
eyes, wash thoroughly with clean water and seek medical
attention. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting and seek
medical attention. The product is non-flammable.
While the company guarantees its products against defective
materials, the use and application of these products are
made without guarantee since the conditions of their application
are beyond its control. It is recommended to verify with the
company that the product is suitable for the intended use,
and that this Data Sheet version is the latest one. The company
may modify it without prior notice. Technical characteristics
are listed for guidance only. For more information, please
contact the company’s office in your location.
The information included on this Technical Data Sheet is the
sole property of SODAMCO Holding. The unauthorized disclosure,
use, dissemination or copying (either whole or partial) of this
data sheet or any information it contains, is prohibited and
subject to legal pursuit.
weberfloor 525 FD
EDITION: July 2016
SODAMCO Holding S.A.L. Tayar Center Bloc B 1st Floor De Gaulle Str. P.O. Box 55-44 Beirut Lebanon
T +961 1 510 863/4 F +961 1 510 862
Lebanon . UAE . Syria . Qatar . KSA . Jordan . Kuwait . Oman
PRODUCT NAME: weberfloor 525 FD
SODAMCO Qatar: Rayan Road Al Musheireb, P.O. Box 22520- Doha-QATAR
SODAMCO UAE: Industrial city, ICAD III, P.O. Box 96082 Abu Dhabi – UAE
Al Quoz industrial area, P.O. Box 31320 Dubai - UAE
SODAMCO KSA: Bin Abdul Aziz Str., P.O. Box 222 –Jeddah 21411- KSA
Salahuddin Al Ayoubi Str. Bldg No.5 Riyadh - KSA
SODAMCO Jordan:Tha’labah al ameli Str., P.O. Box 710844 Amman 11171- JORDAN
SODAMCO Lebanon: Nahr el-Mot - Beirut- LEBANON
SODAMCO S.A.L: Main Road, Hosrayel (jbeil), P.O. Box 11-9666- Beirut-LEBANON
SODAMCO Kuwait: P.O. Box 496 Salmiya 20005 State of Kuwait
SODAMCO Syria: Kafarsouseh – Damascus Syria
SODAMCO Muscat: Al Khuwair, P.O.Box 1094 PC 133, CPO, Muscat - OMAN
SODAMCO Qatar: 00 974 4 4423816 –SODAMCO UAE: 00971 4 347 2640 - 00971 2 550
9994 SODAMCO KSA: 00966 12 668 3295 / 966 11 473 8751 – SODAMCO Jordan: 00962 6
4200417 – SODAMCO Lebanon: 00961 70 258 393 – SODAMCO S.AL: 00961 9 790 920 –
SODAMCO Syria: 00963 11 214 5548 – SODAMCO Kuwait: 00965 2 571 6404 – SODAMCO
Muscat : 00968 24 21 83 61 / 2
Chemical nature: Cement, sand and special chemical additives.
Components presenting hazards: none.
CEMENT Contents >=15% and <25% CASE number. - 65997-16-2 & 65997-15-1
Aggregates CASE number: 7631-86-9
Other additives CASE number: trade secret
cellulosic ether & redispersable emulsion powder < 3% cas number : CAS-No. 9032-42-2 & 24937-78-8
Adverse human health effects:
Does not present any particular risk, provided it is handled in accordance with good occupational
hygiene and safety practice and that precautions are taken to avoid the inhalation of dust.
Environmental effects:
Presents no particular risk to the environment, provided the disposal requirements and national or local
regulations are complied with.
Physical and chemical hazards:
- Fire or explosion: No risk of fire.
Classification/Specific hazards:
According to EEC criteria, this product is not classified as a "Hazardous substance".
Useful Document s & Safety
Note• Before use, always refer to product Technical Data Sheet and instructions written on the
• Use only clean potable water to mix products
• Keep tools and equipment clean and in good condition
Preparation Equipment
Marker chalk or pen
Disc cutter
Brush to remove rust from steel bars
Electric/pneumatic breaker or hammer and chisel
Wire brush
Mixing Equipment
Mixing equipment
- Mixing bucket
- Measuring jug
- Mixer with low speed drill
Application Equipment
- Formwork
- Pouring equipment
- Normal gun for weberep 435 ANC
- Special gun for weberanc 405 BFX
- Pumping machine
- Injection machine + injectors
- Brush for protection reinforcement product weberep 370 PF
- Steel trowel
- Cleaning sponge
Tools & Equipment
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الوقاية من الحرارة والرطوبة العزل المائي
DCL Product Conformity
Wurth sealants & Adhesives
Optimization Methodology To Implement Thermal
Weber Product List
AWAZEL PU 250 White
VELOSIT® TDS-PC-221-EN_2319 (Plug Cement)
طبقات نظام العزل كومبو رووف
Approved Materials (TDS) for Sabtron Combo System
Fosroc Conbextra EPGP
Dr. Fixit PVA BOND.