DS Desert Shield 40 180 APP

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4 mm thick, APP modified bituminous membrane, reinforced with non woven polyester mat

High Performance polymer (APP) modified bituminous membrane, reinforced with
180 g/m2 non-woven polyester mat. The polyester combines high tensile strength and
elongation. The specially used polymer modifier has a great resistance to Ultra-Violet

• High flexibility at low temperature and stability at high temperatures
• Durable and easy to apply
• Remarkable resistance to aggressive attack of salts and chemicals
• High tensile strength and elongation
• Excellent tear and puncture resistance

Used as single layer as tanking in basements or for waterproofing of roofs. A single
layer followed by a layer of mineral surfaced DS can be used for exposed roofs.

Instructions for Application
The membrane can be installed fully bonded or loose-laid by torch welding.
The substrate should be cleaned and primed with AWAZEL PRIMER D 41 and
allowed to dry. Torching should be done by skilled workers and should be controlled
so that only the PE film is melted and the asphalt coating is softened sufficient to
bond the membrane. All lap joints should be smoothed and sealed using a heated
round-nosed trowel. The heat of the gas flame should be applied to the trowel. In
loose-laid applications, only the lap joints, areas around penetrations (pipes etc.),
upstands and a 30 cm wide strip around the perimeter of the work should be fully bonded.
Upstands and flashings should be installed using 1 M wide pieces cut from the length of
the roll. (The overlap joints should be 5 to 10 cm at the sides and 15 cm at the end)

1.12 m per layer for flat surfaces
Health & Safety
All safety measures should be taken during application. Fire extinguishers should be
available on the site. Workers should wear on personnel protective tools such as gloves
and goggles during application.

It is produced in rolls of 1 x 10 meters. The rolls are palletized and shrink-wrapped.
Standard surfacing is fusible P.E. Film on both sides. Different combination of to surfacing
are available upon request such as sand, coloured minerals, etc…

Storage & Material Handling
The rolls should always be stored vertically in a shaded area. Normally the pallets should
not be stacked one over the other. However, if a wooden board is used in between, two
pallets may be stacked one over the other.

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1. AWAZEL D E S ERT SHIELD 40 - 180 4 mm thick, APP modified bituminous membrane, reinforced with non woven polyester mat Description High Performance polymer (APP) modified bituminous membrane , reinforced with 180 g/m 2 non - woven polyester m at. The polyester combines high tensile strength and elongation . The specially used polymer modifier has a great resistance to Ultra - Violet radiation. Features • High flexibility at low temperature and stability at high temperatures • Durable and easy to ap ply • Remarkable resistance to aggressive attack of salts and chemicals • High tensile strength and elongation • Excellent tear and puncture resistance Function Used as single layer as tanking in bas e ments or for waterproofing of roofs. A single layer followed by a layer of mineral surfaced DS can be used for exposed roofs. Instructions for Application The membrane can be installed fully bonded or loose - laid by torch welding. The substrate should be cleaned and primed with AWAZEL PRIMER D 41 and allowed to dr y. Torching should be done by skilled workers and should be controlled so that only the PE film is melted and the asphalt coating is softened sufficient to bond the membrane. All lap joints should be smoothed and sealed using a heated round - nosed trowel. The heat of the gas flame should be applied to the trowel. In loose - laid applications, only the lap joints, areas around penetrations (pipes etc.), upstands and a 30 cm wide strip around the perimeter of the work should be fully bonded. Upstands and fla shings should be installed using 1 M wide pieces cut from the length of the roll. (The overlap joints should be 5 to 10 cm at the sides and 15 cm at the end) Coverage 1.12 m per layer for flat surfaces Health & Safety All s afety measures should be tak en during application. Fire extinguishers should be available o n the site. Workers should wear on personnel protective tools such as gloves and goggles during application. Packing It is produced in rolls of 1 x 10 meters. The rolls are palletized and shr ink - wrapped. Surfacing Standard surfacing is fusible P.E. Film on both sides. Different combination of to surfacing are available upon request such as sand, coloured minerals, etc... Storage & Material Handling The rolls should always be stored vertically in a shaded area. Normally the pallets should not be stacked one over the other. However, if a wooden board is used in between, two pallets may be stacked one over the other.

2. Dubai Office :Tel : +9714 – 3390600, Fax : +9714 - 3395095, P.O. Box : 37724, Dub ai - U.A.E., E - mail : infouae@awazelcompany.com Abu Dhabi Office : Tel : +9712 – 5548220. Fax : +9712 – 5548221, P.O. Box : 108483, Abu Dhabi U.A.E. E - mail : infoauh@awazelcompany.com Factory : Tel : +9661 – 4981604, Fax : +9661 - 4981707, P.O. Box : 2955, Riyadh 11461, K.S.A. E - mail : info@awazel.com Website : www.awazel.com AWAZEL DESERT SHIELD 40 - 180 4 mm thick, APP modified b ituminous membrane, reinforced with non woven polyester mat TECHNICAL DATA Properties Typical Results Test Method Roll Size, m 10 x 1 ASTM D 5147 UEAtc M.O.A.T. 30 Nominal Thickness, mm 4.0 ASTM D 5147 UEAtc M.O.A.T. 30 Nominal Unit Weight, kg/m 2 (Plain) 4.0 UEAtc M.O.A.T. 30 Nominal Unit Weight, kg/m 2 (Mineral) 4.5 UEAtc M.O.A.T. 30 Carriers weight, g/m 2 (polyester) 180 UEAtc M.O.A.T. 30 Coating Asphalt : Type Softening Point (R&B), ° C Penetration at 25 ° C, 0.1 mm APP Modified Asphalt >150 15 – 35 ASTM D 36 ASTM D 5 Tensile Strength, N/5cm : Longitudinal Transversal * * 7 50 5 5 0 ASTM D 5147 UEAtc M.O.A.T. 30 Elongation at Break , % : Longitudinal Transversal 40 * 40 ASTM D 5147 UEAtc M.O.A.T. 30 Tear Resistance, N : Longitudinal Transversal 35 0 300 ASTM D 5147 ASTM D 4073 Lap Joint Strength, N/5cm : Longitudinal Transversal >7 50 >5 50 UEAtc M.O.A.T. 30 & 27 Cold Flexibility at – 5 ° C No Cracking ASTM D 5147 UEAtc M.O. A.T. 30 Heat Resistance at 135 ° C No Flowing ASTM D 5147 UEAtc M.O.A.T. 30 Puncture Resistance Static: L 4 (Not punched at 25 kg load) Dynamic : I 3 (Not perforated at 8 - 12mm indenter UEAtc M.O.A.T. 27 Resistance to Aging after 2000 hours (Accelerated Weathering Tester) No deterioration ASTM D 4799 Note : The above shown technical data are typical results obtained, to the best of our knowledge, from our quality control records, extra details can be provided upon request * *. I n accordance to the standard, a variation of 20 % is expected. *. In accordance to the standard, a variation of 15 % is expected.


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